Update · 2:52am Sep 10th, 2015
Okay, I know it's been a while now since I've done... really anything. And for that, I deeply apologize. I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things with writing and it's not an easy return. Thankfully, I have managed to get a couple chapters done for You, Me, Ponies and Pokémon that should be able to get me on the right track. Once I finish with the second chapter, and have my assistant author go over them to make sure everything is right as rain, I'll post them up.
As for the rest of my stories, I'll try to get to them as soon as possible now that I have what I wanted to get out for this story. I'm still gonna do what I promised, but you just have to be patient with me. The next one I'll get to work on is Doctor Whooves and Assistant: Gravity Chronicles. And maybe get something done with Where Do the Nothings Go if I can get shagohad online to do so. As for everything else... well, I'll do my best, but no promises on speed. Stay brony, my friends.
I really hope you get to work on Where Do The Nothings Go? I love KH fics and yours definitely caught my attention.
I'm waiting for the gravity chronicles, I need more of Kat Shifter :D
3455982 Well, the first chapter is up. I'm working on the next ones as fast as I can.
No need to rush :D I'm rereading gravity x3 and the crossover stuff.