• Member Since 24th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Just your average pony nothing to see here!

More Blog Posts18

  • 192 weeks
    Remastering old stories

    I am remastering my old stories and to let you guys know I'm going to upload at some point in the next month a new story i was working on in the side lines. I have new chapters being made for my current stories but i have been hit with writers block. I hope you guys all enjoy my remasters.

    First remaster = "Call Of The Wild"

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  • 266 weeks
    New Avatar

    I would just like to put out a huge thank you to Willight Robinbine for creating a 3d avatar for me with a new colour scheme. I thought why not it's been 7 yrs with the old look time for a new one. Hope you all like the new look :)

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  • 427 weeks
    Has it been three years?

    Wow here I was checking my stories and I find out that I have been writing stories for three years now. Where has the time gone? I'm not really sure what to say for this occasion so I'll just say thank you to all of you who have like my stories over the years and continue to do so in the future. I have many chapters to go and many more years of writing to accomplish...so thank you all of

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  • 477 weeks
    Two Years

    Hi everyone, I'm writing this blog post to celebrate two years of writing stories for fimfiction. It all started with story of an alicorn and now it has grown, and its all you guys that I have to thank. All my followers and the many readers who have commented on my stories.

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  • 487 weeks
    Heads up - Bad news and Good news

    Hey everypony, just to let you guys know my updates maybe longer due to my computer being out of action. I am writing this on my xbox one. Good news is I can still write this way but the chapters will take longer and won't have some writing punctuation like tabbing before speech. Well thats it and I hope I haven't upset anypony too much!


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Two Years · 1:19am Sep 9th, 2015

Hi everyone, I'm writing this blog post to celebrate two years of writing stories for fimfiction. It all started with story of an alicorn and now it has grown, and its all you guys that I have to thank. All my followers and the many readers who have commented on my stories.

My writing has grown and I have bettered myself over the years into a better writer. I would like to say to all of you, please keep helping me to be a better writer and I promise you won't be disappointed.

To Mark this occasion I have an announcement to make. State of Mind will get a spin off story called State of Mind: The Gryphon Colonies. Yes, the story of what john went through is going to be a separate story. I was originally going to put it as flashback chapters in the main story, but with so much of it to write I decided to put it as a proper story.

The first chapter is in the works and should be out soon. I hope you all still continue to like my stories and I'll make another blog post just before uploading the new story.

Thanks again my pips


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