• Member Since 28th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen March 27th

chief maximus

Why do I write? Because I can't draw! I write mainly as an outlet, and don't take it too seriously. If you like what I write, awesome! If not, that's cool too.

More Blog Posts173

  • 106 weeks
    I'm still here folks

    The time really escapes me but there are stories I want to continue. Also some I want to add to.

    4 comments · 299 views
  • 166 weeks
    Goodbye Dad.

    If you are lucky enough to have a decent relationship with your father, tell him. Mine left two days ago, and you dont realize when the last time you'll see them truly is. cherish every moment.

    13 comments · 443 views
  • 279 weeks
    I wish I could have gone to the last bronycon

    But it wasn't in the cards this time. I love every last one of you folks that have kept me going since 2012. it wouldn't be the fandom without you

    5 comments · 562 views
  • 289 weeks
    Bless the fallen

    Now, in the past and in the future.

    Happy memorial day.

    4 comments · 493 views
  • 307 weeks
    My boys are making a run for it!

    I grew up in New Orleans, Metairie to be exact. My city has been through so much since 2005, and now saint Brees looks like he's gonna deliver us another shot at a championship. Bless New Orleans, Bless Louisiana, and Bless the Saints. Who Dat!

    13 comments · 488 views

A sequel to 'when the field becomes fallow' · 4:46am Sep 2nd, 2015

I have an idea, but it's my most well received, and honestly one of my favorite serious fics. I have a feeling a sequel would cheapen the emotional impact. My idea was to tell another side of the story, from Mac's point of view. Here's what I have so far:
Applejack told me I had one of my 'episodes' as she calls them, a week ago. I remembered being awake briefly, but that's about it. It wouldn't be the first time this's happened. This plow is heavy, but it keeps my mind off of things. That quack VA doctor prescribed me all kinds of pills that make ya loopy in th' head to try and control my 'episodes'. I'd rather be in my right mind and a little crazy than be a dang strung out good-fer-nothin'. I still remember the songs we'd sing in airborne school. They get stuck in my head sometimes, when I think about the war.
"Ya ready to go, Mac?"
Applejack was all ready to go, our bags packed and waiting by the door. I was still on the couch.
"I s'pose." I forced myself to my hooves and started toward the door.
"Shorten up that long face, Mac," she said. Celestia help her, she tries for me.
"Ah don't think this is gonna do any more than them dang prescriptions the doctors keep throwin' at me." I mumbled.
"Well, the psychologist says it will, not the doctor. Like it or not, your red butt is gonna be on that train with me and Twilight." She wasn't kiddin' around, either. Our stubbornness runs deep.
I didn't give two bucks about some fancy-pants movie premiere, regardless of who was gonna be there. Sure, the newspapers and such made a big deal out of the whole 'warrior appreciation day' thing the princesses had cooked up after the war, but I could've done without it. I didn't need thanks, I didn't need a parade, and neither did the stallions I served with. We wanted to get on with our lives, we wanted to go back home and live every day for the ones who didn't get that opportunity.
But, I suppose I can't hold it against the regular folks for wantin' to show some gratitude. The hero worship is kinda off-putting, but I guess I could put up with shaking hooves and kissin' babies for one day.
Spike was coming along with princess Twilight as well. He'd been hanging around the farm recently, askin' me all types of questions about how things were over there. Right off the bat, I knew why. He lived with a mare, and had all his life. A masculine perspective was hard for him to come by in his household.
He was just a kid. Little boys idolize war. Hell, I did as a colt, and I'm sure there are tons of 'em out there that still do. Guards and changelings is still a popular game on the playground. Or, so I'm told. I'd tell him about the good things, about the camaraderie between stallions sharing hardship, but none of the real pain. None of the stuff that wakes you up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. He didn't need that. Besides, dragons aren't allowed in the Army of the Sun anyway. I figured I'd let him have his fantasies. And why not? Every kid needs a hero.
I followed my sister to the train station carrying all of our luggage. Yeah, it was typical, but I am the strongest. Apple Bloom wanted to come with us, but Applejack insisted she stay. After all, it was an R-rated movie. B'sides, war ain't nothin' for a filly to have to see. Hell, I wasn't all that comfortable with Spike tagging along, but there wasn't much I could do about that.

So, fans of my original work, Please give me your honest, 100% non-biased opinions on a sequel please!

Comments ( 10 )

I think it would be kind of cool to see a squeal.

In the end, it's your decision man.

But a sequel would be good!

Ah! Lots of words! *Runs away*

I remember loving this story when it first came out. A sequel from Mac's perspective would be phenomenal!

Objectively speaking, I would definitely read it.

Absolutely sir a sequel would be much more than appreciated

I have a feeling a sequel would cheapen the emotional impact.

A completely understandable, perhaps even healthy, concern to have. But I really can't see that happening here at all.

Where is it? :pinkiegasp: I wanna read it! :pinkiehappy:

It's good, but yes, I think it would kind of cheapen the original to have a sequel. Sometimes stories work better standing on their own.

I think a sequel is a good idea. I'm in the minority but I never thought "when the field becomes fallow" was very good. My main problem with it was how short it was basically being sum uppable as "Big Mac has PTSD and that's bad". Well, yeah it is but then what? The story doesn't have time to really examine PTSD or address the questions surrounding it or explain why it's such a problem. I know it is but that's because I have knowledge from outside the story. This is why I think a sequel is a good idea, especially if it's from Big Mac's perspective because it allows for a more detailed look of the characters psychology and the issues caused by his condition. Best case scenario is that it expands on the first one for a greater emotional impact, worst case scenario is that it's just more of the same which most people will like anyway.

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