"Luna's Nightmare" Updated, Plus More · 11:06pm Aug 31st, 2015
My one-shot story from May has just gotten a new chapter, this time a parallel story from Celestia's point of view. It took me a lot of time to write it as close to show canon as possible, plus properly develop my own ideas that work with canon.
My series with Bit Bridleheart, P.I., is on temporary hiatus because I'm focusing on my novel-length sequel to "The Princess That Equestria Never Had". I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my last blog post, but if not here it is. You can expect the first chapter of the novel to be put up the Friday after the season 5 finale, as has always been my intention. I still don't have a good name for it, but I've got a few months to figure it out.
In other news, conventions. I went to MLP-MSP from June 12-14, 2015, this year. It was my first convention ever, and I took plenty of pictures. I met several horse famous bronies, as well as met and talked with so many fun people, but by far my favorite part was the showing of the 100th episode that Saturday. It was hard to hear most of what was said, due to so many bronies cheering at nearly every nod to the fandom. When the bass dropped, the con A/V crew were kind enough to give us a light show that made the whole thing so much more epic. Not only that, there was a discussion panel with ACRacebest, Saberspark, and episode writer M. A. Larson himself, after which we had enough time to watch the episode another time.
My brother and I may or may not be going to Ponyville Ciderfest in Milwaukee this November 20-22, where we would be debuting our Flim and Flam cosplays. Maybe.