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End of an Era · 10:00am Aug 29th, 2015

I had another blog planned for tonight, but that can wait until next week, because this weekend marks an event that has a profound significance to the Fallout: Equestria fan community, and deserves special recognition.

Somber's magnum opus, the epic Project Horizons, has reached its long-anticipated completion.

This really does feel like the end of an era. Even though I only read a small portion of it, I feel a sense of melancholy at its completion. I can only imagine what the story's core fanbase -- or Somber -- must be feeling right now.

Congratulations, Somber!

Project Horizons was a massive undertaking. Writing this story, and seeing it through to completion, required an amount of love, work and dedication beyond the scope that most of us can imagine. Somber has my deepest respect and admiration. And I want to thank Somber sincerely for the amazing gift that has been given to all of us... even knowing that no amount of thanks we can give truly matches the effort that went into it. On a personal level, Somber has given me and my story an honor that leaves me speechless.

In the past, one of the questions that I most frequently received was "What do you think of Project Horizons?" My response was generally some variation of this:

In general, I am always honored when someone is inspired by Fallout: Equestria and creates work based on it. Project Horizons is no exception to that rule, and the sheer scale of the work leaves me in awe.

As for the work itself, I have only read the first sixteen chapters of Project Horizons. Therefore, I really cannot review the story or spell to its merits or flaws beyond those sixteen chapters (which, for a story with Project Horizon's size and scale, is very little of it indeed). However, what I have read was extremely well-written, with great characterization and marvelous world-building. There were many times that Somber's attention to detail left me in awe and slightly jealous. Every chapter had something that blew me away and made me want to come back for more.

However, were several elements of the story that just were not my cup of tea. Inevitably, I found the story too depressing to continue reading even with all the points worthy of praise. Chapter sixteen created a suitable finish to the tale, and I was happy to treat it as an ending. Still, I can only imagine how much better and deeper the story gets. I can clearly see why it has the fan-base and acclaim it does, and that it is more than worthy of it.

I know that the story is highly controversial in the fandom, but this blog post is not a place to argue over the story. Rather let us raise a glass and toast Somber. Let us give due thanks for all the long, hard work the Somber put into crafting such a massive, epic story that gave so much to so many. A story that has played such a major role in the Fallout: Equestria fandom.

Even as we say goodbye to Blackjack and all of her friends, we know that they will have a place with us forever.

We love you, Somber. Thank you.

art by Piecee01

Report Kkat · 6,254 views · Story: Fallout: Equestria ·
Comments ( 98 )

ahhhhh i haven't read the last part yet but i want to sooo bad i love this story so much and thank you Somber

and yea you can say its depressing but its not really it shows us how strong BlackJack is to be able to go on one loss after another, the story was so amazing i was able to put myself in it and fell everything on such an emotional lv its ridiculous. I love PH in all its glory my rating is easily a Five Stare rating. I recommend reading through Kkat, yea it hurts, yea its depressing but its totally worth it.

and love for the Original to bro !!!! :)

P:S make sure to read past sins its right at my top 5 as well

<3 I'm going to read it tonight, I'll pass this onto Somber and his editors over at Cloudsville Forums.

Stopped reading about half way through just to depressing

I've been reading since chapter 15 or so. It's been a long few years, but it's been worth following every step of the way.

Congratulations to Somber and his entire team, they deserve a round of applause.

Let's put it this way. Blackjack must be Level 42590 by now.

Wait, Project Horizons is completed!? Pinkie! Get the completionist party ready right now!

It already is see? :pinkiehappy:

*Looks at the already prepared party* Damn, you make me proud Pinkie...

Aw don't sweat it, I am the best party planner after all right?


Hey, don't start stealing that line from Big Macintosh!

I can't help it Pinkie, it's just perfect for this!
*After one completionist party later*

Huh, now I suddenly want to take a shot at making my own Fallout: Equestria story... You know what, why not? Just maybe not yet... I have to complete Neo Fantasia: Lost Memories before I try my luck with making my own take on it and I'm only at chapter four on the damn book :facehoof: Ugh, and more to that... Maybe? Well I need to speak to Kkat specifically for what I want to say next before I start on the idea...

Uh Zodiac, who are you talking too? :rainbowhuh:

Aw crape... Long story Twi, it's better if I didn't explain it, you'll go crazy on everypony again like last time...

What?! It's finished? I need to read those last chapter(s)


So, just exactly how big of a story is Project Horizons? I never read it, might check it out but I just wanna know how long it is.

It has more than twice the word count of Fallout Equestria.

3355336 It has 77 chapters (one or two have been split in half on the google docs page for it) with an epilogue.


3355346 Yeah, I just found a estimated word count of 1.5m. I dunno if I can commit that kind of time haha

3355310 I concur, I've loved the story ever since I found out about it. I really can't see how people can just outright hate it. Now, all I need is a set of Project Horizons books to sit next to my Fallout Equestria ones.

I finished my FO:E story a while ago too, after a three and a half year run! So, um, yay for me?

*sulks away in corner* :unsuresweetie:

I'll admit though, that was more or less three years of mostly slacking off rather than hard work :rainbowwild:

Anyway... I've followed PH quite closely, but lately I kind of drifted away from it. Time to get on with it and read those last couple of chapters, I guess :moustache:

much longer i believe

Just finished the rough draft of my Fo:E story's first chapter...

I hope you enjoy them.

3355360 *hugs* :heart:

Now I need to read through, anyone know where I can get an .epub? Or if Somber's planning to upload to fimfiction?


I believe Somber said that he would upload to FimFic once he completed it. Though, given it's Somber...

It may be awhile.

Anywhom, congrats to him, and I shall be reading the final chapter later today.

Well, you know when he does get it on fimfic, the epub part is trivial now :raritywink:

3355389 *hugs back* :heart:

Congrats Somber. I love this story(even if it's hard to follow sometimes) and I'm excited to read it in its entirety

Damned impressive to be sure. It's a hell of a long story. I'd love to see it matched up to other major series in word count. I fell off the train around chapter 50ish I guess. But i may have to start with her again soon.

When I got into FoE, I got into with the audio book done by Crazy Rambelings, so natruly the second story I got into was PH. But when I got caught up with the audio book, I found myself at a impasse, actually read the story, or wait for the youtube channel to update. I picked a third option and read Pink Eyes, after finding all the audio to ear bleeding to stand. After that I read Heros, and finaly I bit the bullet and started Reading PH, or did I read MN7 before PH, hard to remember now.

Dispight my dyslexia I managed to read em all to the finish, and found myself wanting more, so much more. I was heart broken when I read New Beginnings , and found that it would never be updated. FOund freindly people when reading Skyward, and A Heart of Steel. I made a friend when reading Merchants of Hope, who later inspired me to wright my own story.

on 22nd Dec 2014 Stable-Tec R&D went live, and on 2nd Mar 2015 it was finished. I had done something I had never done before, made my own story, and made it for others to explore. That feeling you get when your done, theirs nothing like it at all. It's an ending to something important to you, but a good ending that makes you feel warm inside. Harder you work at it, longer with all the love and care you can muster, the warmer that feeling must be.

Indeed this is an end to an Era, but it's the good kind, the kind that lest you grow and move on. I can only hope to inspire a small fraction that Kkat and Somber's has, and the only way to do it is work for it.

Ben Moon - New Beginnings

Project Horizons. What can I say about this magnificent and well written story.

While I still need to read the last two or three chapter, though I'm going to have to steel myself for when I do, I absolutly loved the story.

Infact, I think it should be cannon to the FALLOUT: EQUESTRIA universe. It was very well thought out and written and I always wanted to see what happened next.

Yes I admit there where a lot of depressing moments, I remember some of them that I can mention though not in any specific order.

When on that boat that Blackjack and her friend where taking, specifically when it was anchored and they where being attacked and...well....those that have read the story now what I'm talking about.

When BlackJack was seeing the memory of Psalm when she was in Manehattan near the Ministry of Morale central hub as she was going to take a shot to kill Pinkie as she got in that position that LittlePip finds her skeleton in with the Twilight figurine her hooves, as Pinkie looked directly at where Psalm was looking through the scope with a knowing look. I...I can't continue saying what happened after that........

These are just two of the many depressing moments the story has, but what surprised me most was how BlackJack was able to get back up after either watching someone she knew die or whatever most of those moments threw at her.

She didn't give up even when it all seemed hopeless, and that is something that I can respect.

So, I give a big thanks to Somber and his team for bringing this story to us.

When I was first reading FOE, I described it in an email to a friend that it was the "most epic fucking tragedy" and that "almost every chapter in the book had something that either put me in tears or on the edge". It was by far the most emotional book I had read to date, swinging violently between horribly depressing and funny or heartwarming. Sometimes even before my tears had a chance to dry.

Basically, FOE remains both the most depressing and the most uplifting book I've read. Yet here Kkat is saying that PH was too depressing? Like, this is the same author who had a little girl vaporized as a direct result of the protagonist trying to protect that same girl?

Exactly how depressing is PH? Does it have the same uplifting moments that the original does to at least give you some hope? Been debating which side story to pick up and PH was obviously vying for a spot.

I feel this to be one of the most appropriate reactions to this news.


I could never read all of it, for I am a sensitive soul, and cannot read fics too depressing or I will become depressed myself for weeks at a time, but what chapters I did read were beyond amazing, as I became depressed so quickly. Then again, what else could I expect from the author of Simply Rarity, the only story I've ever read that made me go from loathing a character completely and utterly to making them my favourite pony since?

Congrats, Somber! I'm sure it was one hell of a ride.


I miss Blackjack already...

I only read a little bit of Project Horizons, but from what I did read I can honestly say it was very well written! :pinkiehappy: If I ever got around to writing my own Fallout Equestria story I'd hope I'd have the skills to tell an epic tale like Kkat and Somber did, I've got ideas, now I just need the skills to tell the story. :rainbowlaugh:

For what it's worth both Kkat and Somber have my respect. :moustache:

Congratulations Somber! :twilightsmile:

Personally never read the story, I know mostly about the whole Batpony thing in it, as well as Blackjacks tendency to... well, Blackjack's talent. And I think the story would be pretty cool if I read it, but I'm currently engaged to the classic fic for the time being. :raritywink:

But, despite this, a big Congratulations to Somber for finishing a really long story (from what I understand), I might give it a little look see, see what it's like.

Once again, congrats to Somber!! You made the wasteland a little brighter, and it will continue to glow bright in Celestia's light forever more! :twilightsmile:

Well, that's pretty impressive, even though I didn't like this story – mostly because at some point it became a parody of itself and I had a feeling that Blackjack would be more suitable to be a side character rather than main character of a story (though I like her design). But anyway, congratulations to Somber – finishing a story of such length is quite a spectacular feat.

Well I know what I am going to spend the next week re-reading. It is one thing to get the chapters one at a time but quite another to have the whole thing in front of you. Suppose today is a good day to stock up on tissues.

Thanks so very much. I can't imagine how you felt when you finished Fo:E, but I'm pretty... sigh.... For four years this story has been a constant for me and the friends (because someone that donates days of their life for free to make something you create better can only be a friend) who worked every few weeks to make it better. From May till yesterday, we ground on getting the last chapters out and done well. We had huge arguments and even a blow up or two, and I was afraid that I'd have to lose a friend just to get it finished.

But we did. I've never actually finished a big project before...

Mostly though, I feel sad that the story is done. And while I could try and tell more story of the life of Blackjack, I'm afraid there's just no more story to tell. So don't worry, you won't have to deal with a PH2.

Now I need to decide what to write next...

I still owe you an immense debt, Kkat. Four years ago, in the chats of... I think chapter twenty of FoE? I asked if I could write my own pony story. You could have said no. Instead, you allowed me to start this massive project, and you gave permission to so many others. No matter how big or small, how good or bad, you let us write in your world and tell our own stories. And you put out more material in your blog for us to use. Thank you.

::hoof bump::

3355482 It's a veritable roller coaster of light and dark. I wouldn't say it's depressing, though it goes to some very *dark* places , as it always returns to rise to heights of awesome, like a helium balloon climbing a hail storm.

The characters are full of depth and character, fully loveable even if they're the ones you hate.

The writing is funny, the setting adventurous, and I'd say it's my favourite FIM story, bar none.

If you're looking for a thoughtful, gritty, awesome adventure that's not afraid to dance with it's own shadow, and could easily spawn an OVA per chapter, I highly advise you give it a shot. Read a few chapters in, size up your opponent. Then hold em' or fold em', or Ante Up.

Gah, another million word story, I'm not ready, but I guess I'll give it a shot when it comes to fimfiction! :ajbemused:

This is fantastic news, for me at least. Congratulations Somber I look forward to reading it now!

I'm wary about reading extremely long, yet unfinished, fics. I've found many stories I loved only to realize the author had abandoned it. Here is a fantastic example.

It's a beautifully crafted, but incomplete, piece of pure artwork in my opinion. Now however that Project Horizons has come to a finale I will be happy to read what I've heard is a story as amazing as the original.

Thank you Kkat for bringing us the fic that started it all.
Thank you Somber for adding more to this amazing universe.:pinkiehappy:

If i am to be honest, i do not like project horizons. My dislike has waned of course cause i do like a lot of the characters, especially black jack, but largely as a story its largest flaw is in fact not actualyl being a fallout equestria story. It might have similar elements but it is fr too bombastic, and often enough it contradicts events and styles of your story. Even to the point of completely redacting the guilt of the actions of many of the characters, including fluttershy, to the manipulations of another.

Yet somehow i read its ending and even i found some satisfactions with it. It was a feat and while i dislike the story, Blackjack's story itself was one of emotion. Blackjack herself was a character who was born to the wasteland, even when the environment around her shifted far, far away from it and into something far more like an anime.

For what it is, i tip my hat to Somber. It is a feat in of itself. He has perfected his craft with this story, and i wish him luck with his next ventures. He stuck with his guns and somehow, someway, made this cynical old critic of pony words shed a few tears for his story.

Thanks you, Somber. Thanks you, Kkat. :raritywink:

hi hi

If it weren't for the intense debate on philosophy I had with Somber in the Fallout Equestria google docs sidebar chat, I probably never would have started up my own side story, for whatever that's worth. Thanks for being an inspiration, and cheers! :twilightsmile:

Hot damn! Gaaaaaawd, I feel sad, and I haven't even read the story! :fluttercry: mostly because I can't read anything in GDocs for reasons. But, I am eager to read this amazing story created by 3355557 this amazing soul. So, to Somber, I say congratulations, creating PH and for writing it for four years, good lord man. It took me two years to finish a story a long time ago, and it wasnt' anywhere near the level PH is at, so you deserve a medal!

I haven't read the story yet, (I just said that Dx ) but I will, and it will be awesome! I've seen all the fan art and things made for it, and the controversy and all that, but I love 3355389 's universe and I am looking forward to the awesomeness that is Project Horizons. :heart:

I'm actually starting my own Fo:E story... buuuuut, I'm not making good progress on it Dx but Im not stopping! Oh no! I will actually be able to finish it, I know it! And a part of me hopes both Somber and Kkat (and any other awesome and amazing people which is most of FimFiction) will read it when I get it out (*coughcough*orhelp*coughcough*) But for reals this is amazing news, and I'm really happy right now, and I'm sure Somber is to. :yay:

I love this! I love all you guys, I want to hug someone... I really want to. Congratulations again Somber, again, an amazing feat well done. The end of an era, and, just... wow... I can't think of anything else to say. Congratulations, just congrats man. And to anyone else starting or writing their own Fo:E stories, just keep at it and I'm sure you'll complete your stories, and it'll be so sweet... like finding that tasty piece of candy under your pillow~ :yay:

So, awesomenesss all around! :heart: Love this, love you guys, and I can't wait to see this story hit this site, because I know it will dominate the front page, it will destroy it! :yay:

:yay: WOOOHOOOO! :yay:

3355336 I wanna say it's nearly...six...seven times longer than Fallout Equestria?
Plenty of things to keep you interested

Two and a half million words, I think?

I didn't want to check it out before it was finished and bam, there it is. :twilightsmile:
Never gonna top Little Pip though. :twilightsheepish:

3355695 ikr the ending was a bit of a twist and personally not my favorite but it was an awesome adventure

Another epic story comes to an end in the Equestria Wastelands and it was a hell of a ride.

I certainly enjoyed it and I can't wait to see what other stories Somber will be writing. I was certainly enjoying Sombers 'Broken Accords' story as well.

R.I.P Project Horizons! Although it's not really dying is it? Um... Congratulations Somber!!

3355636 That's fair. Part of the problem was that Horizons was originally going to be a knock off of Fallout New Vegas. At the time, there were a lot of folks making much more deliberate and blatant FONV stories, and so I started to change things and escalate them. In the 30's, I got pretensions and wanted Horizons to be more literature worthy... a deconstruction of the messiah archetype and what does it really mean to "save" the world. I was also shaped by the zebra prophesy chapter in FoE, and thus the Eater was introduced, escalating it to cosmic horror. So I committed the cardinal sin of changing the story. I started writing a Fallout story and ended up writing Final Fantasy.

Still, I'm glad the ending went well for you, despite the problems in the middle.

3355479 Project Horizons is not canon. I can't stress that enough. It is my story, and it does things and takes liberties with the original. I tried to stay as true as I could to the original, but over time that broke down. So it's much better taken as its own story to enjoy. If you want to regard it as canon for the purposes of writing your own story, that's very flattering, but it will never be official canon. Nor should it, nor should other stories be criticized for doing similar things to horizons. The only metric should be the original.

3355482 Pretty. Chapter 33 is one of the worst. Chapter 76 is pretty bad too. The story oscillates intentionally between light and dark... but some of those dark moments are pretty stark. I'd like to think it ends on a lighter note though.

3355360 I got extremely lucky. EQD gave me a bump and if it hadn't been for that, I think Horizons would have just petered out. Your story, Flitter, does show you can write with some attention. I hope that your next project gets more recognition when it completes. ::hugs::

3355673 Thank you. ::hugs::

3355691 ::Hoof flails:: Good goddess man, no! I think it clocks in at a few thousand words shy of 1.7M. That's more than enough for ANY story.

3355693 The story changed, and I changed. Sorry it went sour for you.

3355726 ::hugs:: You deserve them words man!
I know that when I read that story, I will be broken... but the good kind of broken D'x
To Blackjack and Somber! *raises chicken sandwich*


I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway by that, I didn't mean to offend you or anything like that.

Reading the last chapter and epilogue today. Not going to lie, almost cried when I saw the title of the epilogue.
Been reading this story for about 2 1/2 years now and while I do love it, it has been very emotionally draining.

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