I did one too · 8:03pm Aug 28th, 2015
Sun Struck
Name:Sun Struck
Nicknames: Sunny
Species:Unicorn (wolf)
Hometown: Canterlot
Current Residence: Ponyville
Occupation: store owner
Mane Color/Style/Length: Red, Yellow, Soft
Coat Description: soft and has cold resistance
Eye Shape/Color:
Accessories: Sun has many interesting little gem stones, one giving to him by Zacora allowing him to become a warepony during any time.
Second, a Gem of immorality
(dose not age, but is not 100% un kill able), eight Sun dose not use
Another he had put in his hoof
Giving him a little less strength than Alicorns.
Allegiance: Luna.
Cutie Mark:
Scroll and quill
Special Talent:
Cold resistant and stronger magic
Sun, dosent really have one, he strives for freedom, were he can write his own future
Family: mostly dead
Friends: a fair amount.
Personality:very talkative,loyal to his friends,is very sexualy active.
Flaws: dose to much talking with out thinking, over thinks things, has a poor attention span.
[Character History]
Sun Struck is smarter than he appears.
He has found new love in a blue Pegisi.
When Sun was 17 he was camping and him and his friends were attacked by a warepony, he was the only to survive. Ever since then ever full moon (3 night peirod) he is transformed in to a wolf keeping all memory, he is misunderstod and has been hunted. (Mood passive)
[Powers List]
all Unicorn abilitys and has stronger magic than basic Unicorns
He is cold resistant
Misunderstood,passive,Hunted,keeps his full memory.
Has no pony to go to in this form who wount try to kill him accept Zacora, and Fluttershy.
Abilities: can turn other ponys into wareponys, stronger,faster,slightly bigger than his normal self.