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  • 493 weeks
    Songs coming up (eventually)

    So I had a very long plane flight today and I was planning to use that time to finish writing chapter 10, because that's something I really need to do. And I really did get a lot written. Except it wasn't chapter 10. I ended up doing quite a bit of 11 and also about half of a new song that I'm planning to use later (maybe around the chapter 15-20 mark?). Because, you know, it's just a fact of

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Songs coming up (eventually) · 1:27am Aug 24th, 2015

So I had a very long plane flight today and I was planning to use that time to finish writing chapter 10, because that's something I really need to do. And I really did get a lot written. Except it wasn't chapter 10. I ended up doing quite a bit of 11 and also about half of a new song that I'm planning to use later (maybe around the chapter 15-20 mark?). Because, you know, it's just a fact of life in Equestria. Music happens. Ponies burst into song in random places at the drop of a hat. Everypony does that.

This is actually the second song I've started writing for First Contact, but I think it will actually come before the other in the story. The first one is completely finished. I'm doing full melodies and instrumental parts to go with them too and I'm hoping to be able to actually get them recorded at some point. It would be even better if I had them recorded in time for their relevant chapters to be published so I could link people to them.

Report Versylfa · 218 views · Story: First Contact ·
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