• Member Since 15th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 26th, 2014


More Blog Posts66

  • 508 weeks
    Totally not dead! (By most standards*)

    So, the thing is, I've had a pretty rough year. I'm talking the kind of year that leaves you with literally no free time at all, and you end up completely forgetting about everything else. But hey! I feel like I came out on top after all that, and I'm in a situation where I'm able to devote my time to one thing or the other. The thing is, I'm not entirely sure what I should do, or more

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    2 comments · 364 views
  • 566 weeks
    I don't know what I'm doing.

    Really, I don't. It's strange, once I stop and think about it, how much both I, and this site, have changed since I first joined forever ago. (Not actually forever ago) I remember when I first joined, and my English skills were so mediocre that I wasn't quite sure how anybody could find joy in anything I wrote. Yet many of you did, and I thank you all for that. Some of you, somehow found some

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    5 comments · 455 views
  • 602 weeks
    The Greatest Excerpt Ever

    I looked through the Gideon bible in my motel room for tales of great destruction.The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zo-Ar, I read. Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of Heaven; and He overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

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    4 comments · 488 views
  • 606 weeks
    Steps to having no life:

    Step 1: Download Complete Works of Lovecraft
    Step 2: Read the fuck out of Lovecraft
    Step 3: Why are you still here? Read Lovecraft.

    6 comments · 488 views
  • 607 weeks

    It's been like...what, almost a month now? Where the fuck have I been, you ask?


    You heard me, your brave, heroic writer pal has been braving the volcanoes of iceland.

    Okay, that's a complete lie. I've been doing stuff. Fun stuff.

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Writing Tip! · 10:29pm Aug 1st, 2012

Alright, it's me again guys. Back for another round of useless rambling where I try to imprint certain ideals that I hold true in writing into your little brains! Not that I'm this amazing writer who you should be blessed to get writing tips from or anything like that, but because I feel I do have a little bit of knowledge that might help you become a better writer. Since I'm nice I'll actually be covering two topics today. First thing up is something I've been asked to do a couple of times. How to use symbolism and metaphors correctly.

I'm going to be completely honest and say this is the easiest section I've done. Not because doing it easy, the explanation is just short. You just have to have an understanding of what things represent what. We'll start with the most basic form of symbolism - Colors! Colors are used all the time in stories to set a certain tone or mood in a scene. I could go through and tell you what each and every color represents, but instead I think I'll just give you a quick link and you can read through for yourself. Link is here guys!

How else can you better yourself in making such symbolic and metaphoric connections in your stories? Try reading. A whole lot, actually. Allusions are one of my favorite things to see in a story, and to do that you're going to have to start reading other works and try to incorporate them into your own story in a way that isn't going: "Hey guys, this giant is like the one from Homers Odyssey!" cause that's completely dull. Think about some stuff, bros! What does that giant represent? How can you change it into something that means the same thing? What trials and tribulations can be directly related to that scene?

Well, that's about it for that section. Honestly I could ramble on forever, but that would just be useless. Read and study up bros and you'll be a master in no time! Second half of the blog coming up.

I get this a lot: people coming to me and going: "Hey Criticul! Can you tell me what you think of this RADDD idea I have for this story? I could really use the input!"

No. I will not give you input. Write the damn story, okay? Who cares how it turns out, or even if anybody will like it? Write it because you thought of it! It's an idea that spawned in your head and that's more than enough reason to write it! Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say you're going to write the next epic with it, but you should always write just because writing is good for you. Who knows, in the process of writing that possibly awful story you might actually come up with a semi-decent idea!

Another thing people talk to me about is atmosphere for writing. Otherwise known as: "How do get my lazy ass into the mood to actually write something?"

Well that depends on the person. Me personally, I like to get a stiff drink, turn on some slow rock jams, turn off all the lights and just type till my hands ache. Quite literally I'll have the entire chapter done in one night. That's right guys, I just admitted to taking a long time to update because I'm too lazy, not because I'm a slow worker. What of it?!

All joking aside I'm being completely serious. You just have to find what works best for you. Perhaps you might want to take your laptop outside (if you own a laptop) and just sit and watch nature while you type. Maybe you want to take a shower beforehand (because who doesn't get good ideas in the shower?) or maybe you want to have a big meal. I really don't know what gets your creative gears going, only you can find that out.

That's it for now guys. Thanks for reading my pseudo-bullshit!

Report Criticul · 413 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Ay liek ur colurs

With these tips even I might actually become decent! :pinkiegasp:

Cheers for the tips mate. I was actually about to go search the internet for some...

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