Update · 4:36pm Aug 12th, 2015
Hey guys, Jay here.
For the upcoming period of time, I'll be focusing more on the new school year and my FanFiction page, on which I got some stories open that are actually pretty late on schedule.
When I'll upload new stories on FimFiction is currently unknown. See this as halfway break(this doesn't mean that I'm halfway through writing. I'm almost halfway my Season 6 Line, that's what I mean.)
Also, I did audition on DisneyFanatic23's audio drama, so if I get to be in the cast, that'll be my focus as well.
I'll be mostly working in weekends on FanFics and FimFics, so be sure if there's any new story.
I'm currently working on a second multiple chapter story, so mind watchin' out for that.
That's all,
Jay the Cyberpony, writer of the Legend and Cyberpony sagas