• Member Since 29th May, 2014
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    Uuuuuugh. Youtube is so corrupted with idiots, sheep, and idiot nine year old sheep(not to say that all nine year olds are terrible). I say, my personal favorite channel, JonTronShow, has a total of 73 videos, all of prime quality with good editing, all satirical critiques of bad games, movies and shows. He made a let's play channel with a buddy. The let's play channel has nearly 50% more

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Discord Headcanon(s) · 8:01pm Aug 10th, 2015

So dudes, I recently saw a comment where someone used Tirek taking Discord's power as a point(although I lost it and couldn't find it again to respond), so here's my headcanon: Discord knows the nuances of his magic, and it's not raw power that makes him so unassailable, it's impeccable technique, and as we have seen, Tirek seems to temporarily transform any magic he absorbs into his own type, so Discord's magic is turned into Tirek magic. Or maybe his magic is amplified depending oh how chaotic whatever it is he did with it? Eh, there are lots of ways this could be explained, but unfortunately, exposition isn't very entertaining in a cartoon.

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