• Member Since 17th May, 2015
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  • 487 weeks
    Update on the Way

    I want to let you know I’m not dead and still working on my story ‘Equestria Gets a Visit from Space’.

    There was a lot of stuff happening in real-life and this chapter just so happens to be the longest so far (it will have around 4,4k words), so I didn’t manage to put it online last friday.

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Update on the Way · 7:28pm Aug 3rd, 2015

I want to let you know I’m not dead and still working on my story ‘Equestria Gets a Visit from Space’.

There was a lot of stuff happening in real-life and this chapter just so happens to be the longest so far (it will have around 4,4k words), so I didn’t manage to put it online last friday.

I also have to give you more bad news: The way things are turning out for me I’ll probably have to change my publishing schedule from one chapter every week to one chapter every two weeks.

The good news is the chapter is coming along great so far and I only have to work over it three more times before I can publish it. And to make it up to you here is a short preview below the break (it is changed a bit to remove further spoilers):

When she arrived at the next window the light turned on again. It was different than before though. Only half of the room behind it was lighted and visible to her. In this part was Applejack and she wasn’t wearing a blindfold, instead her front hooves were bound to a horizontal pole with metal straps. Her hind legs were restrained in holes in the floor.

The others had looked content, they seemed to like what happened to them, but Applejack wasn’t happy. She had a pleading look on her face. She wanted to get away as quickly as possible, but she couldn’t.


A moment later she knew why Applejack was so upset. The second half of the room had lit up and in it was Big Macintosh – Applejack’s big brother. He was wearing a metal blindfold and seemed to enjoy himself with a big erection between his legs.

Before she was finished looking him over he moved towards his sister. Only a moment later he had mounted her and aimed his prick at her soft marehood. Even though Applejack looked like she didn’t want any of that her marehood had a different opinion. She was dripping with arousal and winked like in heat.

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