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It's not "definantly" or "defiantly" or "definately". It's "DEFINITELY". How can so many people get it wrong...

More Blog Posts21

  • 446 weeks

    So. Long story short:

    My laptop died.


    To be more specific, my hard drive finally gave up after 7 years of faithful service. Any attempts to turn my laptop on would never go as far as the password screen for logging in.


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  • 463 weeks
    Extra Fan Art by Navanastra (fixed)

    (Reposted because the images didn't show at first)

    I logged on one day to receive a PM about someone wanting to draw art for me.

    Needless to say, I was ecstatic.

    In case the images still don't appear:

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  • 471 weeks
    One year anniversary of Changing Views!

    Well... okay, not really since I started working on it for longer than that, but it has been a year since Changing Views was approved on the site!

    Rather, it was last saturday, but I was too busy to post this until now.

    Anywho, Genbu recently sent me more fan art, and since everything he's drawn so far was made of pure awesomeness:

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  • 473 weeks
    Rewritten scene in "[1] The calm after the storm"

    I've almost finished doing a review of all chapters from arcs [0] and [1], and while so far there haven't been any major edits beyond grammar fixes and the rewording of a bunch of sentences, I decided that a particular scene in "The calm after the storm" needed a rework.

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  • 479 weeks

    I just had one of the biggest scares of my life today.

    Fell asleep with my laptop accidentally left on. When I awoke, I saw that it had a black screen, which I assumed was the power saving mode's fault, since I have it set to have the screen fade after a couple minutes. Pressed a button to light it up-

    Laptop shut off.

    I pressed the power button...

    ...and it wouldn't turn on.

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A few polls... · 12:37am Jul 30th, 2015

The following are just a bunch of polls that I thought about for Changing views. Doing this mainly because I'm curious of people's opinions and such.

(Note that you can vote for more than one thing on this one)
Who would you prefer to end up being the one(s) taking care of Artemis?

Would you prefer one large chapter, or two smaller ones?

Should Edge make a return?

And most importantly of all...
Should Sir Quackerton make a return?

The upcoming three chapters are practically planned out, and I have ideas for what would happen after those. The results of the polls could maybe affect the future, but if it does, it won't be anything that would happen within the following 5 chapters or so.

I was going to think of more questions, but I'm running low on time as I write this. Feel free to discuss some more in the comments section.

The last one is obviously a joke. He'll come back, don't worry.

Report lllWarHawklll · 1,094 views · Story: Changing Views ·
Comments ( 24 )

For a moment I was severely worried, then I read the last line.

Not since Veggietales has a rubber ducky had this much importance .

I really want to see Edge again, it'll add some drama and be a good jumping off point for Artemis learning about the fate of her family.

Atm, the Edge poll has more yes then no.

I liked Edge as a character, I am just a bit curious as to how he would have survived.

I would prefer getting an update more than once a month, whatever you decide on for the specifics. It honestly doesn't matter enough to me who he/she stays with to justify that degree of indecision.

I vote Daring as Artemis's caretaker!

If Edge does return then there has to be a good explanation of how he survived. If you can do that then by all means bring Edge back... or not, it's your choice really.

Honestly less interested in how he may have survived than I am in how Edge wouldn't have been noticed in the hivemind.

Fun polls, please do it again sometime!:pinkiehappy:

I say blast Artemis with the elements of Harmony! Her hair is brownish-ginger, not red!

Must have the secret main character!

I forgot who EDGE is. Was he the changeling that was by Artemis' side while she was an egg, and liked talking to her?

Guys! One big chapter is losing! Vote on it more! Big chapters FTW! Make it 50,000 words in one chapter! :trollestia:

Sir Quackerton was, honestly, the best character in this story.

When you killed him off, so many people cried tears over him, and now you taunt us with his return? What if you aren't joking, what a cruel joke would that be to your readers? We experienced the loss of Sir Quackerton just recently and so now is not a time for taunts and jokes.

It is a time for mourning.

Do you see how the people of the poll for Sir Quackerton's return cry with the symbol of mourning, the all powerful ":("?

The people want Sir Quackerton back, War Hawk. They want him, and they demand him now.


For the users: Have a link to my own poll.

"Hmm, ok. I'm going with my gut on this, and I'm going to lock in 'I like Turtles' as my final answer Warhawk."

I would like Miss yearling to be Artemis caretaker i mean read that god damed chapter with the book fort and tell me its not adorable!

3280762 It's not that I have indecision; I actually post updates on the current chapter's progress on my user page.

These polls were made purely out of my own curiosity of the reader's opinions. I'm still going to continue with what I had planned, but as I've written:

The upcoming three chapters are practically planned out, and I have ideas for what would happen after those. The results of the polls could maybe affect the future, but if it does, it won't be anything that would happen within the following 5 chapters or so.

3281223 Don't tell anyone...:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:...but that poll was merely an elaborate scheme to summon Pac-Man.

Your secret is safe with me. :rainbowkiss:

oh sweet christ it's 4:28 in the morning why did i log on to my mom's computer to type this

In all honesty I think you know more about character development and story progression than all of us here. Still I agree with a few here such as Edge, if and only if there is a solid reason for him or any changeling to return. Or better yet have them as a few chapter supporting role due to the whole thing of dying out after having their love converting organs fried. Than have the changeling queen return for a scene as a sort of meta story point. Maybe as a guide or info bank so Artemis some reason for magic ability's in the future.

O-and it would be wonderful to have a scene or two just dedicated to Artemis playing with the cocooning goo, maybe with a now disgruntled mad scientist being the other side of scientific curiosity...

Basically I'm suggesting when Lab coat take an examination of Artemis, she freak out (as would most of us in a situation with a crazed doctor) and stuff him is a goo prison. Just an idea for some giggle`s and what not. Still give her at least one chapter or an other for her to truly explore the culture she`s in.

From a responsible researcher point of view of course...:pinkiecrazy:

Have fun!

Each of the polls went like I thought they would, except for the first one.

I was honestly surprised that Luna had more votes than Cadance, considering the former has barely had that many appearances in the story so far.

I was also expecting the "Artemis not needing a guardian" one to have more votes than it currently has.

Oh well. Will still continue the story as planned.

Personally I think that raising Artemis should be a group affair. She's a little changeling princess and is going to need a lot of love to grow into a queen. Even Chrysalis was being exhausted by her appetite even while she was still in the egg. There's also the fact that she's clearly a hoof-full, given she managed to apparently destroy the room even while "Miss Yearling" was watching her, but I think keeping Miss Yearling as her primary caretaker, or co-caretaker with Cadance is the best option. Separating Yearling and Artemis is an awful idea. It's clear they both deeply care for each other and separating them will cause nothing but heartache. I think keeping Cadance involved would also be good. She wants to make amends for her inadvertent genocide of the changelings and should be allowed to do so. Seeing Artemis interact with new ponies is always amusing too, so rotating in some of the Mane Six every now and then would be good.

Edge should make a return. The ponies have no clue how to go about raising and caring for a changeling princess nymph and are in way over their heads. Edge should be there not only to give Artemis something to be familiar with from when she was in the egg, but also to help guide them in raising Artemis as much as possible.

Large chapters are the best. 20K words? That'll last me an hour, maybe. 40K words? Bring it on! Feed my addiction for more!

And yes to Sir Quackerton. I'm curious to see if he begins speaking and develops a "Dr. Evil" laugh.

As to the chapter update poll (One big chapter vs two small chapters), could you post the first half of the big chapter as one of the smaller chapters, and when you finish the second half, delete the small chapter and post the two halves as the larger chapter?

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