• Member Since 26th Jan, 2012
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A good story isn't measured by how long it is, but by how long it stays with you.

More Blog Posts226

  • 2 weeks
    Compati Ch 51


    Been really bad about putting these up on a schedule, but that's what you get when I'm involved. Have a chapter.

    0 comments · 47 views
  • 3 weeks
    Compati, With a Twist


    So it's been a minute. I don't come here to dump my shit on you guys, but in short, life's been life. And it wouldn't be just that if I didn't only now realize I went full stupid on publishing Compati:

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    3 comments · 214 views
  • 8 weeks
    Compati Ch 47


    Just dropping in to bump the new chapter to Compati. You can read it over here.

    Onward and Upward!

    0 comments · 55 views
  • 14 weeks
    Horse Words, at Long Last


    New Compati chapter. Like, actually new chapter. Crazy, right? Not really much to say. I'm not one for fanfare. Go read it if you like.

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  • 21 weeks
    Compati Updates and Top-Left Horsefest 2024


    So Compati has officially gotten back into Act 2. As it was the first go around, I strongly recommend setting aside the time to read both chapters 25 and 26 in the same sitting. They're sister chapters, and the latter is very much necessary to handle the former.

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    1 comments · 265 views

Chicken with a Side of Rainbows · 10:47pm Jul 17th, 2015

Incoming Scootaloo for you all!

No, not Flock Together. Did you really think I've been writing fast enough for that? You all know be better than that. Rather, this is a completely different ScootaDash story for you all that I just so happened upon yesterday:


After a local tragedy shakes Rainbow Dash to her core, she finds herself plagued by guilt and nightmares. As the hallucinations grow worse and worse, she finds herself unable to determine what is real. But where does the line between grief and madness lie? What if her delusions are part of something more?

Here we start with a Scootaloo a good four years in the future. Yay, older Scoot, right? Truly!

But what's this? A Dark tag? :unsuresweetie:

Don't look at me like that. You've all read Transcendence (at least, I assume, since i tagged it), so you've got the stomach for this. So far, it's taken an interesting turn through what looks to be one hell of a downward spiral, mentally speaking. And boy do I love me some downward mental spirals.

Again, if you follow Transcendence and are eagerly awaiting the sequel, then I highly suggest taking a gander at this one. The pacing is a bit fast and if you're allergic to the wassles, this one'll have you sneezing up a storm, but fuck if I haven't read a good ScootaDash fic with potential like this. Bonus: it's been updating daily since it published.

Won't you join me on this adventure?

EDIT: Apparently it's been changed to Complete. I'll have to reform my thoughts on it when I get the chance.

Comments ( 6 )

I also have to add: Damnit, he stole the cover art I had planned on using. And I'm still not quite sure about the Random tag. The 'what's might be pretty random, but the progressing story certainly isn't.

Oh, it's complete already? Too bad. Following daily update fics is fun. Still looks worth checking out though.

And then it became complete without my noticing. I was expecting it to go a good while longer. That's actually kind of disappointing. Guess it's time to mull over the ending, then.

*sits on my dark Scootaloo centered fic, playing the waiting game...*

Okay Corejo, you have got my interest!

I will check it when I can :scootangel:

I had made this blog post at the end of chapter 5, and for one reason or another didn't realize it was complete. Most of what I wrote above was on the assumption there was much more to come, but after realizing ch5 was the end, I can't say I feel the same about it. It wrapped up too quickly for my tastes and left too much unexplored. But it did grab my interest initially, so that's always a big plus.

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