• Member Since 15th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 19th, 2024


Hello? Is... is this thing on? The red light means it's on, right? Or do I... I have to push a button, don't I? Well, which one? There's like ten! The black one? They're all black!

More Blog Posts63

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    Motorboard hats look really stupid.

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    So There, They're has been canonized.

    "It's amazing how much you can pick up when you're actually in the book!"

    Please excuse me while I giggle like a schoolgirl.

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  • 514 weeks
    Time to celebrate all things circular again.

    And today's a very special pi day indeed. On a related note, I'm attempting to post this as close to 9:26 and 53 seconds as I can.

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  • 529 weeks
    Today's a special day.

    Because starting today, I can go waltz across the border into the United States, walk into the first bar I see, sit down, and order a beer. And nobody will be able to do anything about it.

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So There, They're has been canonized. · 3:58pm Jul 12th, 2015

"It's amazing how much you can pick up when you're actually in the book!"

Please excuse me while I giggle like a schoolgirl.

Report FanNotANerd · 414 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

What's been canonized, now?

3233224 Story I wrote a while back. Reasonably popular one. One of the main plot points was a spell that enabled someone to physically go into a book, and therefore bypass all that tedious reading and parsing arbitrary symbols that represent various phonics.

Just a funny little coincidence is all.

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