• Member Since 9th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2023


do I exist? Do you exist? Maybe neither of us exist, but instead simply are. crackers.

More Blog Posts244

  • 312 weeks
    Purple Tears V.2 Finally has a cover!

    I finally got around to finishing a cover for the story!
    Uhhhh also, if I seem really stupid when replying to a comment, like something I say goes over my head don't worry I just,,, always reply to comments, even if it's like 2AM and I'm about to pass out so I might not even register what you say very well pff

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    7 comments · 425 views
  • 319 weeks
    Security Puppet Prototype Sketch

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    8 comments · 390 views
  • 320 weeks
    Sneak Peek at Purple Tears V.2

    Just a little comparison and sneak peek into my complete rewrite of Purple Tears!! It's only on the sixth chapter, but ey that's... Chapter two or three of the old story? The further it gets the more it diverts from the original story though, so it'll be hard to compare it soon.
    With that said, here's a few chunks side by side!


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    4 comments · 428 views
  • 328 weeks
    Can confirm Purple Tears V.2 release 'date'

    I can confirm that, since I'm on chapter 6 now, I'll definitely be able to start releasing chapters once per week sometime during December, most likely starting on Christmas Break! This year, guys, it's gonna land this year! It's been what, two or three years since the original posted? I think you'll be very happy if you liked the old one to see the improvement with the new one! Although the old

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    3 comments · 373 views
  • 330 weeks
    tips on starting a story?

    It's more of a specific situation, but I thought I'd ask anyways! On my free time, when I get inspired (which isn't too often) I work on this little story idea that, in it's simplest, goes something like this:

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    3 comments · 373 views

Um... Two stories being done. First blog. · 2:11am Jul 7th, 2015

Hey, every pony! :scootangel:

I don`t know hoe blogs work, so I`m just gonna update all who see this.

I`m currently writing a story titled, war, or life?, that is going to be a one-chapter long run story.
Pretty much my longest one-shot yet.

Now, why don`t I give you some sneaks into the story, hm?
Oh hay, why not.
So far, i`ve killed of one main character, in a sad conversation between a pony whom carries a pink axe, and... senses.
Two more shall die
I am going to do a prequel and a sequel to this... Possibly. I don`t know.

That`s all i`ll tell you though! other than it`ll be roughly about maybe 10,000 to 15,000 words.

As for the other story, well, I think i`ll do a comment driven thing.
Now it`ll probably suck and all, coming out of my comfort zone in writing, since many comment driven stories are in the random tag, though i`m better at sad stuff, as you may be able to... tell.

The first commenter for a story idea gets that place for the first chapter, but i`m only doing chapter by chapter from the comments, if I get any.:twilightsheepish:

Now, the first commenter besides whomever does the story idea to suggest a character(s) will get the choice for that or those characters at least to appear in the story, and one choice of a main character. :twilightsmile:
No OC`s can be main characters, but can be in the story, just not a lot.:duck::trollestia:

That being said, I will consider every idea suggested.:raritywink:

So please, comment below the idea`s and everything! In the end i`ll decide on a title, unless through the readings of the comments you all decide on one together.:pinkiehappy:

I feel this story can go through, but if you happen to be the first commenter, and suggest a plot and character(s), than i`ll reply asking you which one, but if you insist on both, or can`t decide, or just want me to, then well... I`ll choose one of the suggestions.:twilightsmile:

And please, have a Celestia pogo sticking day!~ :trollestia:

Comments ( 2 )

Yes, one of my spoilers won`t work... sorry `bout that.:twilightsheepish:

that typo though at the beginning help xD

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