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    This is a post I've been wanting to make for a long time.

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    Story Promotions (Round XIII)

    Evening, everybody! It's that time again, so have another round of great stories! :pinkiehappy:

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    Story Promotions (Round XII)

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    Love Wins

    In case you just woke up and/or gained internet access...

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    Story Promotions (Round XI)

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Love Wins · 5:51am Jun 27th, 2015

In case you just woke up and/or gained internet access...

Today, June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court has ruled that denying same-sex couples the right to legal marriage is a violation of the equal protections clause of the 14th Amendment, effectively legalizing gay marriage.

After today, there will be no more discussion of "gay marriage".

There will only be marriage.

For me, this historical ruling has no immediate effect. Not only am I happily single—and, lezbehonest here, definitely not ready to settle down anytime soon even if I wasn't—gay marriage has been legal in my state for several years.

And yet...

The fact that the rest of my fellow Americans—many of whom may not be as lucky to live in a place such as mine—now have the right to marry whoever holds their heart in their hands, well...

That's beautiful.

No other word comes to mind that can fully convey what I feel. Because, for me, beauty is connected to love; love is appreciation for beautiful things. A love of nature, a love of joy, a love of my fellow human beings.

Seeing this triumph today is beautiful.

Because love, in all its forms, is beautiful.

Regardless of what love looks like...

Regardless of black or white...

Mr. And Mrs. Loving

Or any other color...

Or gender...

Or whether we wear a cross around our neck...

Or a yarmulke on our head...

Or both...

Or neither...

Regardless of age...

Whether we hail from the blazing South...

Or the frozen North...

All love is worth celebrating, worth embracing, worth welcoming with open arms and open hearts.

Because love is beautiful.

And because love wins.

It won for Mr. and Mrs. Loving, and it won for me, and for everyone like them, and like us, and for everyone unlike us and them, too.

Because love shared is not love divided; shared joy is doubled joy.

And there is no limit to joy.

Are things perfect now, for the LGBT community, and for us as Americans?

No, of course not. There are still prejudices to be lifted, obstacles to be overcome, challenges to be faced. That goes for both LGBT rights and the many other issues we face in this country.

But, in spite of all that is wrong, today is a reminder that, sometimes, things can go right. As the campaign says, it does get better, and it will only continue to do so. The arc of history is long and bends towards justice, as a great man once said, and the history of this great nation and great human race is far from over.

Every day, I am proud to be an American. Today, I am proud to be a gay American. I am proud to be here to witness this shifting tide, this historical moment. I hope to tell it to my children someday.

I wish I didn't work the fourth of July. Otherwise, I would light up the sky.

Instead, I'll settle for the sunset that graced me my drive home from work today. I wish I had taken a picture; the sky was ablaze with hues of pink, purple, and blue—a symbol of the better things that await us as we come together as a people, as our colors mix and merge and become greater than they once were.

I chased the sun to the west. I am home.

In the place where love wins.

Thank you for reading. :heart: Have a wonderful weekend.

Comments ( 38 )


I lol'd.

But yes, this was a nice thing to wake up to this morning.

Babs being amazing per usual.

I'm bi and I approve this blog and one's right to do what the fuck they want.


You are a beautiful person, Babs, and this is a beautiful thing. Thank you.

Truly a good day to be human.

A brighter future for many, including you Babsy!

I wish I didn't work the fourth of July. Otherwise, I would light up the sky.

Just light a match at the end of your shift. Problem solved.

It is a good bit of news, that the Supreme Court has upheld something which I firmly believed all along.

On a side note, I witnessed a couple guys who seemed to be celebrating the decision by the Court today in the back of a car. They were even sharing cake, like a married couple traditionally does after the cutting of the cake.

Young love... it holds no bounds. Even at a red light in traffic.

I have absolutely no romance in my soul, according to my mother, and I approve of the triumph of love over stupid!

You gotta love the fact that it happened in Pride month, too. I'm quite happy being ace and never marrying anybody at all, but I was still smiling like an idiot all day.
I also love how stuff all over the country is turning rainbow like the nightmare plague of country corruption the religious right warned about. I kind of feel like a supervillain. Muahahahaha, love, freedom and equality! *dramatic rainbow thunder*
It's also very pretty c:

Absolutely beautiful. Everyone in my home cheered at the news and in my mother's words "It's about damned time."
Love ya Girly! :heart:

I legit teared up. I am so happy to see this ruling go through, and I am prepared to see this the entire way through. Marriage equality it not the end of our struggles, and we have a long way to go before we get there. But I am so overwhelmed with joy that we managed to get this far. Now let's make the rest of the world shine with us.
Let's shine like rainbows together.

Done in your usual amazing style Bad. Very happy for this ruling I am I am. congrats to everyone whom it now makes Marriage Marriage instead of "Gay Marriage."

Let it be and let it never change.

Hopefully somepony on this site will get a... :rainbowdetermined2: Reality check. *puts on sunglasses* Shots fired.

Even as a Dutchie, it was a nice to read in the paper it got through yesterday morning.

It's about damn time :facehoof: What in the unholy fuck took them so damn long. This should have happened eons ago. It almost seems an insult that this was an issue. So for that, I say it's about damn time some sanity has been reached

Yep, this is like gay Christmas considering we got this passed and HoverRover released an awesome SoariLane minicomic today. As you can imagine, I've been positively giddy.

Oh, and be sure to check out your favorite conservative websites! The comments are hilarious. It's like the Crazy Olympics! :rainbowlaugh: Usually we have to wait until the primaries for those.

Yesterday was a good day.

This is the gayest thing I've ever read. :pinkiehappy: :heart:

A little faith in humanity restored.

Oh, you have to make a Fic in honnor of this ;)

Alternate blog title: "Love 2.0"

Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire, Cadance be all like

Congrats! Now, there are fewer reasons for strife in the world.

I'm glad that this came to be. To see that we've legalized gay marriage nationwide is a sure sign that we're slowly letting go of the past. Nice speech there, by the way.
Onward to the future, my friend:yay:!

Thanks for this. This is the first thing I've seen regarding the event that didn't make me want to hit something or someone. Around these parts, most of the folks who truly benefit from such a decision are the type that... Quite frankly, they give other gay, lesbian and transgender folks a bad name.

They're a walking, talking, living and breathing Key and Peele sketch without the sudden epiphany. (Office Homophobe if you haven't seen it.) They seem to be the exact opposite end of the spectrum from the bigoted Catholics and other Christians who cry deadly sin. I announced my impending marriage and was told that we, a historically ordinary straight couple, were disgusting because it was people like us that made the earth so over populated.

So... Thank you. Thank you for not being yet another waving the decision in people's faces like some kind of overgrown child joyous not for the victory, but instead the percieved opponent's loss.

My position for the record: I am greatly pleased at this recent turn of events because now we can finally stop caring about it. I've been frustrated for an age and a half over all this solely because in my mind, it is a non issue. Education and health should be the focus, not wether two guy hang marry. Nobody should give a Damn about the guys when there are still people in this nation who are incapable of READING, when there are children who are taught religious myth as scientific fact, when diseases we've been free of for nearly a century are running rampant. Why should I give a damn about Chuck and Larry when my niece can't get the insulin she needs to live because she is broke, and no one will enforce her receipt of this life saving medicine? Quite frankly, we shouldn't. Equality doesn't mean a damned thing unless people are around and educated enough to understand what it means.

So... Thank you. Thank you for giving me a perspective that actually made me think for once. Thank you for giving me a perspective that was in fact entirely in line with my own beliefs, but still made it clear just how absurd they might seem.

I am incredibly proud that I was able to see an event like this take place within my lifetime. I always knew I would live to see this happen but I never expected to see it happen so soon. With all the bigotry and ignorance still plaguing society, not just that of America but the world at large, I didn't expect to see something like this come about until decades into the future.

I have a deep-rooted hatred of prejudice. The thought that there are people out there who believe themselves to be more morally right and that their lives are worth more than others based on their race/sexuality/gender/beliefs/etc sickens me. On this day, love truly won. I am a Christian straight male who is proud to say that he lives in a country where marriage is now on an equal playing field through each of its states.

Yes, there are still problems to overcome. I have family members who are definitely not as happy about this ruling as I am. I love them and I can't help but feel sorry that they can't feel the joy that a majority of America is experiencing. Love comes in many forms. Love is not simply man and woman, man and man, woman and woman, white and white, white and black, young and young, old and old, etc. Love is love.

America took a huge step in the right direction. I hope by the time my children are my age, or my grandchildren at the very least, gay marriage will be seen as much as the norm as straight marriage. Like you said, there will simply be marriage. I hope...

I fucking love this place.:pinkiehappy:


Where is the button to shower you with money?

I love your blogs like this. You should do them more often, because they're SO entertaining! <3

I would up-vote this blog, but doesn't have that ability.

I was waiting to hear from you on this, and I'm so glad this happened. Last I counted, my close circle of friends is 5/7 lesbian/bi, so I'm so glad they've got the rights they deserved and struggled so much for.

Also, I'm totally taking that lezbehonest pun. You can't stop me.


Like most, this is what I took away from your blog post. :raritywink:

This is absolutely perfect. Thank you.

Site Blogger

As one of the only conservatives on this site, I want to let it be known that I'm glad this happened. No, really – just because someone's conservative doesn't mean they're opposed to gay marriage. In fact, even my Dad – who is so conservative he makes me look like a liberal – wanted this to happen. You won't see us jumping up and down for joy and all that, but we did want it to happen.

Thanks, as always, for the perspective, Bad. I loved reading something so poetic. :heart:

That and there are LGBT conservatives and libertarians, LGBT rights shouldn't be a political issue at all. :derpytongue2:

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