• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2023


Not really big on fanfic writing, but when I'm in the mood I'll jot something down from time to time. I'd much rather frequent sites like YouTube, DeviantArt, and Facebook

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IT'S CONFIRMED! - Vinyl Scratch and Octavia DO live together on the show! Preview Proof! · 12:22am Jun 8th, 2015

Also, does Octavia sound a bit like Rarity to you guys?


Now, if I have one little nitpick about this preview, it is that Vinyl Scratch doesn't say a word here. It's great that Octavia finally gets a speaking role at last, and I really hope some of the other background characters will get lines too, but since Vinyl Scratch is one of the more popular background ponies, I'm curious to hear what she sounds like. I'm kinda expecting her to sound British, for some reason? Like, a sort of ironic twist in that she acts all cool and all, but she has a really posh and polite mannerism kind of voice?

If she does, don't blame me just because I said it here. Blame Hasbro for stealing my idea. XD

I like how the house is divided between the two of them, like they both have their own side. Sorry, MLP shippers. Even ponies understand boundaries. XD Then again, the fact they're in the same house probably will add more fuel to the shipping, so...set sail, I guess.

I also like how these two sort of bounce off each other. Like, they're different genres, but they're still musicians in their own style, so they work well together along with their instruments, if that makes any sense? Maybe it does if you've got a mentally impaired mindset such as mine but most of you reading this, you folk who love and adore me and would send me lots of money in the mail and your lady friend's phone numbers, are a lot smarter than me so no worries here. XD

I'm looking forward to this episode. Season 5 has been more than amazing so far. It's delivering really good stories and it's doing good on the comedy. I think the show is going in a really good direction now and it's safe to say even a few haters have even started showing a little respect towards the show. Not a lot, but it's something at least.

By the way, did you guys hear a rumor lately about Hugh Jackman and Jack Black being bronies? If someone can find me the article on that rumor please let me know. I'd love to see the Wolverine wearing a Fluttershy t-shirt. XD

Wow, this is the most I've ever said in quite a while. Guess this preview has got me opening a bit more. I will upload the episode when it is released for those of you who aren't able to watch it for whatever reasons.

But for now, I shall retire to my bed. I am knackered.

Goodnight, everypony!

UniqueSKD (aka; Kiefer J. Charlesworth)

P.S - Unique says goodnight too.

Comments ( 24 )

That was the best pony remix ever. Fuck the Living Tombstone, this here is the real shit.

Goodnight! *hugs you and Unique*

i think the shippers are just happy they live together and that Tavi does have a posh british accent.

Head canons are going to be either confirmed or shattered this saturday, and i can't wait to watch. *grabs unpopped bag of popcorn.* i better get ready.

3130866 I already feel bad for all the fanfic writers that might end up seeing their take on the canon being wrong. XD


"No, Hasbro! Vinyl Scratch shoots magical disco lasers out of her eyes when she drops the bass and Octavia is her butt buddy! You ruined my awesome canon writing that got thousands of views and a Feature! Why you so mean?" XD

Oh god, if that happens at all on this site, I am standing by the house phone so I'll be ready to call it, son! XD

3130861 That...friggin'...Wade...

(falls over laughing again)


I was kinda miffed that Vinyl didn't speak. And Octavia does sound like rarity, in a deeper tone. And the writers are probably waiting for Nowacking to come voice for Vinyl. That's what I think.
GOODNIGHT Unique and Kiefer!!!

After hearing a reasonable amount of it, I honestly do not think that Octavia's voice fits her all that well. Not only that, but it's not consistent. It's too low for her at some points, too high at others, and her accent was a tad too strong all the way through.

Also, on a side note, I got super fidgety when the animation of Tavi playing the cello was not accurate to the notes coming out. Is that bad?


Just not sure if they'll name her Derpy. I think they might name her Muffins. Which would piss me off.

I cringed.

Maybe Vinyl is a mute? Or knows to keep her pie hole shut when Octavia Is practicing. :derpytongue2:

Half convinced that the writers of the show are gong to do the exact opposite of what the majority of the fandom expects from the background characters, just to fuck with people.

3130888 Well, it IS just a preview. The actual episode might have some improvements made to the final product.

3130896 You better not be here to take my waifu. (readies Unique, holding him like a baseball bat)

3130892 She's actually been referred to as Derpy in the show once. It was a fanmade name that Hasbro adopted.

3130892 Because she already spoke before. We know she speaks.

And they HAVE called her Derpy / Ditzy in the show before too, depending on which version you watch it on. They'll have to call her by either name to maintain continuity.

3130948 Yeah but they changed it because there was this controversy where some people thought the character was making fun of disabled people.


3130953 What, at the tags I inputted at the bottom of the blog? XD

3130952 Lets just hope the people at Hasbro realized it was just a bunch of asshurt SJWs that got their panties in a knot.

3130956 No, what I said to Blab about Derpy.

3130961 It's gonna be painful if her name turns out to be canonically Muffins.

how do you know they live together? that could just be a place they go to practice.

3130946 Nope, came here to watch fanservice. *grabs Thinker, wielding him like a spear.*

3131094 Then would it make more sense to go to a studio, or a concert hall or something?

Also, if you look at the house from the outside, there's a second floor window with two different colored curtains. If this is a place they go to for practice, why go through all that trouble to decorate the house at all?

Also, the curtains of the second floor window does suggest that they might share the same bedroom too. In fact, I actually am wondering now if maybe Vinyl Scratch and Octavia possibly might be sisters rather than friends / housemates. In some cartoons I've seen before where sister live together, their living quarters usually are decorated in this sort of manner, to establish boundary lines, and to show whose property is whose in the house.

That might even be true. They could well be sisters, or related to each other in some way. Not that it matters whether they are or not.

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