• Member Since 24th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Arcanist Ascendant

If you're looking for wisdom, you may be looking in the wrong place.

More Blog Posts18

  • 435 weeks
    I am actually going to die because of Pokemon Go.

    Earlier today I sprinted across the West Side Highway, NYC just because there was a Hitmonlee on the other side. There's a Darwin Award in my future, I know it.

    6 comments · 466 views
  • 447 weeks
    Can I make a recommendation?

    You guys all seem to have great taste in fiction, with one or two exceptions, so I'm gonna direct you to an excellent(and free!) game I've discovered in the past few weeks. It's called Katawa Shoujo.

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    4 comments · 373 views
  • 468 weeks
    100 Followers! Whoah! How'd that happen?

    Earlier tonight I got my hundredth Watch notification, which is prety cool! Thanks to everyone for sticking with me so far, and I hope you'll stay with me a while longer!

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    3 comments · 430 views
  • 481 weeks
    Hello Sunlit Skies fans! Big news!

    I've been saying this in the comment section for a while, but this is not the end of Twilight and Sunset's journey. My next story will be featuring the same characters in the same universe but a vastly different feel for the story- being Adventure, rather than Slice of Life. I hope the different genre won't put too many of you off the story, but I thought it was time the pair got an adventure in

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    9 comments · 463 views
  • 484 weeks
    bleg pest: susnet shiver

    Over the past two days there's been a spike in faves on both sunlit skies and TSIHM without me even publishing a new chapter. Did someone mention me or something? I'm curious, where did you all come from?

    2 comments · 394 views

Sunlight! · 7:03pm Jun 7th, 2015

If you enjoyed The Snow in Her Mane and are curious as to what happens next, then let me direct you to my latest story, Sunlit Skies! It'll be a bit longer than the prequel, four or five chapters; one of the main complaints I heard about the story was that we didn't have enough time to really care about what happens to the characters. I hope you enjoy.

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