First my dog gets sick, significantly reducing the amount of time I get free to use for writing, but when I FINALLY finish the second chapter of my Sheogorath fic, I turn off my laptop with the intent to publish in the morning, and when I get up, IT DOESN'T BLOODY WORK!!!!!
Writing for Masked Face of Fear has come to a complete, but temporary, stop. This issue comes as the USB I had all the unfinished, finished and needs-to-be-published chapters saved to decided to say "Fuck you and your progress!"
As the USB kicked the bucket and took all my work with it, my drive to write independently decided to take a swan-dive into a wood-chipper.
I need to defer a decision to others. Specifically, whether or not I should get a PS4 or Xbox One.
I previously had decided on PS4 due to it having the majority of the console-brand-exclusive games I've been following the series' of, but the Microsoft announced the Xbox One will update to be backwards compatible with 360 games.
At first i only liked the beginning, later i loved the entire song english and jap (they sound exactly the same and even make the same mistake in song)
At first i only liked the beginning, later i loved the entire song english and jap (they sound exactly the same and even make the same mistake in song)
3130001 So it's your number 1 as well?
3131124 Mostly am a little fickle, and there is one opening i cant remember its name but i loved. but yes this is defiantly one of the best.