• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2014
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Baal Bunny

Part of the AugieDog family of companies

More Blog Posts51

  • 4 weeks
    Two Poems and a Story

    The one poem that's free to read:

    Is actually seasonal, too!

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    0 comments · 46 views
  • 171 weeks
    Semi-Original Fiction


    Back in Feb. 2020, I wrote a story for one of the "original fiction" Writeoffs that nonetheless had some Pony content. It was a slightly unusual situation all around.

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    5 comments · 482 views
  • 191 weeks
    Another Rewritten "Writeoff" Poem

    Back in November:

    The 176th Writeoff contest was for poetry and had as its prompt "Can It Be Salvaged?"

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    2 comments · 315 views
  • 205 weeks
    Seasonally Appropriate Content

    From October 2016 through October 2017:

    I participated in every weekly contest at Poetry Nook. Of the 52 poems I entered during that time, I won the contest once and got four "honorable mentions." One of those was for the following, the poem I entered Christmas week of 2016.


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    5 comments · 351 views
  • 208 weeks
    A New, Semi-Related Short Story

    If you'd rather read:

    The actual story instead of all my falderol about the story, clicking on the title "The Sleep of Reason" will transport you scientifically to the Zooscape website where said story is now displayed. But if you'd like the backstory, too...

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    8 comments · 409 views

Not my Latest Minific · 7:58pm Jun 6th, 2015

In the last Writeoff:

I wrote something that was more a promissory note than a story, a semi-parody of True Grit called "Shoe Grit" that was pretty much just a run through for some ideas that I want to explore at greater length when I get a chance later this year.

So instead of that, let me offer a semi-minific for this month: "A Giant Leap Forward," a story on a subject that's been bothering me for years. Since it isn't technically a Writeoff story, you'll find it over in the AugieDog section of things.


Report Baal Bunny · 311 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

I did something similar a few contests ago… I'm now working on the actual story I wanted to tell, as opposed to the character voice check that I submitted to the writeoff. It's so different that I'm not sure if I should add the final product to the group's folder, since it's an 'inspired by' at best.

Author Interviewer

Oh, is that what Shoe Grit was meant to be. o.O I had no idea.


I've added:

A couple of stories to Writeoff folders that I didn't participate in the first time around. As long as I use the prompt and stick to the time and word limits, I figure I'm OK!



It needs more room to be everything I want it to be. I've got quite the pile of notes for it, but I've gotta finish my "magical squirrel" novel first...


Fair enough :scootangel:
Now that I think about it, what I'm writing will be an excellent use of the original prompt

a story on a subject that's been bothering me for years.

Ooo now I'm very intrigued. I'll have to go take a look.

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