• Member Since 16th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 1st, 2021


A guy that really loves futa. The dickgirl really ties the whole room together.

More Blog Posts34

  • 420 weeks

    Hey all, TheDudeAbides here.

    So as you know, I'm a painfully slow writer when it comes to writing stuff for public consumption. Because of this, I typically get very frustrated with my process and as such, progress goes even slower.

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    7 comments · 881 views
  • 442 weeks

    Okay, I'd like to do this. There are currently ~4 pending stories that range from semi-written to almost ready to publish right now. I'd like to finish them all. I'll see what I can do. This is now known as Project Cleaners, the stories are not at all related except that they are all drafts.

    Until then, here is my comeback song.

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    10 comments · 579 views
  • 455 weeks
    One of those times where you sign on after like a year or so

    Soooooo I lost all of my previous writing work and because of that I'm going to just cancel the stories I lost. I never made enough progress on them to be pleased with them anyways. Tummy Wubs was probably the furthest I had gotten on all of them and even still, I lost interest in it (a shame, I know).

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    6 comments · 587 views
  • 495 weeks
    Because writing takes forever

    So I have a few ideas for some short stories that I might actually pursue at some point in the future. The only problem is I don't feel in the mood to actually write something. Eh.

    So the stories I have in mind are:

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    4 comments · 547 views
  • 500 weeks
    Short stories are easy

    Short stories are easy. Plus when you write them for someone in a chat it makes it even easier. So easy.

    Thus there's another new story coming up that's short (before you complain: shut up, I'm busy, long stories take a long time).


    1 comments · 466 views

Where were we? · 2:22am Jun 1st, 2015

So I had an idea for a story. I'm writing it right now. Maybe it will get finished tonight. Yep, it's been over a year since my last story, and I come back with an even shorter one based off a random idea I had. gg

The following things are happening:

1) Adventures of Roommate Futaloo is now marked as hiatus. Sorry. I don't feel like writing second person/reader inserted stories right now. I deleted all progress I made on newer chapters as after re-reading them, I realized how horrible the narrative was (to give you an idea of how bad it was, the story was more fitting to a choose your own adventure). As such, this story will be on the backburner for awhile. I MIGHT write a short chapter addition, but don't hold your breath.

2) Tummy Wubs might get finished at some point that it will actually get published. Maybe. It's sitting in a google drive somewhere. It has a lot of the setup, it just needs the sexy times and cuddles. :3

3) Stories are hard brah.

4) As someone asked: When I use the word triggers, it's mostly in parody of tumblr's bs. Don't throw a fit, I honestly don't care.

Comments ( 5 )


It's too bad I can't just say something and everyone just gets the image immediately. You know? I gotta be all descriptive and shit. Damn, horsewords are hard.

As for Tummy Wubs, it depends on how busy my week is. It would be cool to get it all done this week but idk. That's just wishful thinking, though.

*Squees unbearably loudly*

Fuck, I was thinking about you not long ago about how you were completely dead on the story front. Good to know you've not quit the wordsmithing, I would not be a happy zippy if you had.:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Just for the record, I love you in a very non-sexual way.

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