OH GOD WHY AM I SO BIPOLAR · 1:02pm May 30th, 2015
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Have you ever stopped doing something only to keep having it come up in your brain? Yeah that's what happen here. As you know I had canceled Appetizer because as my first story I felt it was too broken to be fixed, but after writing more stories and having time to think about it...I think I can work with it. I was planing on just remaking the whole story with all my knew found writing wisdom, but I realized as I thought up ideas that I could just reapply them to the original. So this is the good news for those who were disappointed:
Appetizer is back and the last chapter is being worked on now! After it's finished I'm going to start getting things started for a sequel, so get excited those who actually cared! I know this seems very indecisive or something of me, but you tr writing a story about a guy turning into a female tiny horse and falling in love with a night princess and see if t's so easy!
I was so annoyed that you hadn't finished Appetizer originally, since it was only one chapter, but now I'm very happy. And a sequel? Even better!
SEQUEL HYYYYPPPPEEEE!!!!!... oh and the last chapter part... woo!