The Best Thing About The Latest Episode: · 12:10am May 24th, 2015
Did you hear that?
It's as if one thousand headcanons cried out at once,
and were suddenly silenced.
With enough momentum, pigs fly just fine.
Did you hear that?
It's as if one thousand headcanons cried out at once,
and were suddenly silenced.
It's beautiful. Just beautiful.
Yep. Who knew? Griffons turned out to be Dragons with feathers instead of scales.
>tfw you never had any griffon headcanons
Meh, the story of one kingdom doesn't rule out all the griffon headcanons. It's like saying France can't exist because we know how Germany started.
Fair enough. Would "So what you're saying is that all Frenchmen are Germans?" be a joke?
Actually, I think the best things were Pinkie being not retarded and Twilight still being adorkable.
And yet the only headcanon I've bothered to have about griffons—that their names all begin with a "G"—has been actively reinforced.
tO TELL YOU THE TRUTH: i didn't have a Griffin headcanon. I do have one after watching it. What to hear it ?
(mouses over the "thousands of headcanons" hyperlink, sees where it goes to)
3092384 Oh my gosh, I forgot about that. I will bake cookies for whoever made that gif. Was it you?
Don't have any Giffins' headcanon but after watching this week's episode I having my own little headcanon for Griffinstone. I see Griffinstone as Port Royal ( it not like in the PoTC movie). Mainly was a colony but later becoming independence of the "mother" nation. (what really happen is that Port Royal become a citY of Pirates than just another colony of England).