Celestia! · 6:43pm May 17th, 2015
I can't stop laughing right now! I just watch Make New Friends but Keep Discord. I think that the shining lights was Celestia. She was so much different from that regal Celestia that we've come to know. It shows that she probably thinks her job is really dull, and she enjoys having fun and wacky moments. Still can't stop laughing tho
I KNOW!! I love how she laughed at Twilight and she yelled like AJ would!! Celestia is making her way into my favorites list XD
3076338 Remember
Discord: I have two different wings, and I'm still a better flyer than Twilight!
Twilight: Hay!
Celestia: Ha ha ha!
3076399 XD I know!!! And Maud Pie totally beat discord when it came to jokes.
maud pie u idiot u! 3076403
did i just say that?
3076405 You did!!!!! Pinkie Pie is going to be soooo mad!!!
3076453 sorry
3076517 Nope, no taking it back fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/076/1/a/maud_and_sad_pinkie_pie_by_avelina_aveline-d7alkjs.jpg
3076935 can't beleive you... -shakes head in disappointment-