• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2019

The Princess Rarity

Quirky teenage girl who writes about cartoons & has an obsession with sparkly things & cute dorks. Goes through life following by Dr. Seuss's wise words; "You have to be odd to be number one."

More Blog Posts263

  • 421 weeks

    PSA to whatever amount of followers actually read this bullshit anymore - I'm quitting FIMFiction. This blog post will be my last. I will no longer post on this account. I say those specific words because maybe I will come back but I do not wish to constantly have the name and standards of TPR on it. This is a personal issue of my own, influenced by many things (anxiety, depression, life in

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  • 432 weeks
    I'm not dead. I guess?

    Hi, everyone. Reagan / Toni / The Princess Rarity here. I assume most of you thought I was dead, quit the site, et cetera. Obviously, this is not the case. I have no good excuses for my hiatus - I mean, sure, there's school and work and anxiety and other fandoms, along with life in general - but oh, well. Sorry I've been gone so long.

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  • 454 weeks
    New year, and somewhat new me!

    Hey, guys. Long time, no see, right? I mean, aside from the occasional blog post or very rare story, you don’t see me as often as you’d like. I guess that’s expected, seeing how 2015 has been quite the rollercoaster for me; and I’m assuming the same for some of you guys as well. Which is why I’d like to take but a few minutes of time to explain some stuff to you guys.

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  • 458 weeks
    Don't ask me what this is, because I don't even know.

    I honestly just sat down and wrote this in one sitting because feelings. It's not much, really, it should be classified as a drabble but it's whatever, I guess. I'm only posting it here because it follows the word guideline limits.

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  • 460 weeks
    *throws words at you lovely people*


    2 comments · 546 views

I woke up and now I'm dead. So yes, this is a zombie ghost blogging. · 7:08pm May 16th, 2015

Because of that new episode, for many reasons, but also because I realized I'm such a lazy shit. So as I work on stories and drabbles, I'm doing a long overdue Ask Me Anything. Go ahead, guys. Hit me with your best shot!

*blasts Taylor Swift's 1989 album and hopes my followers don't hate me for being dead*

Report The Princess Rarity · 439 views ·
Comments ( 34 )

Y U NO B ACTIVE? :raritydespair:

JK :twilightsmile:

3073946 Laziness, stress, other fandoms and too many stories to write, not enough time.

How you been, dude?

3073956 Busy. REALLY busy. Got my final deadline for all my college work on Monday and still got work to complete before then.

Hit me with your best shot!

Quote from my own AMA I just conducted:

Give me your best shot! :moustache:


Anyway, now for my questions:

1. Would you seek to hunt me down if I said Disney sucks?

2. Do you like broadening your horizons and trying new things? Even stuff which would be unusual for a girl your age to indulge in?

3. Do you consider yourself a thinking girl? Someone who enjoys a good intellectual challenge?

4. Building off of the last question, what would you say if I told you there was a game that allowed you to wed characters so long as you could keep them alive in a hostile environment? They can have children too, and the conversations between them are adorable. :rainbowkiss:

5. Will you be spending more time on this site once the Genfiction expansion goes live?

5. How would you describe yours truly using a minimum of ten words?

1. Not to hunt you down, but I am very disturbed if that's your true opinion. Disney makes amazing movies; how can you not like at least one of them? And Disney XD has some really good shows lately.

2. The second part of that question disturbs me, but I have considering doing some scandalous things; such as pot, which is legal in several states, but eh. Whatever. Otherwise, no, I'm not a very big risk-taker. I like it when things stay the way they are. I always over analyze choices, which might be a bad thing, yet better safe than sorry is how I think.

3. Definitely. I love mind games.


5. Hell yes. I would devote my freakin' life to it.

6. Pretty cool dude who's definitely worth your time when it comes to hanging out and talking rubbish. Also a total sweetie.


1. Would you seek to hunt me down if I said Disney sucks?

(typing in commands for an air strike) Oh, I certainly wouldn't. No, no, absolutely not. Definitely no. Hey, do you think could you be a dear and tell me your exact location? :pinkiecrazy:

3074010 Pfft, where's the fun in college then?

3073988 1. My opinion is that Disney needs to be more daring and do more to diversify their IPs, ala Nintendo. I like The Little Mermaid, but I hate the tropes it gave rise to.

2. I was thinking more along the lines of stuff like watching a testosterone-packed action movie, like the ones from the 80s.

4. Sorry, should've been more clear; you can only marry characters the game provides, but one of them is a customizable avatar, so you can marry your newfound waifu/husbando and have fictional kids that battle alongside you. :raritywink:

6. Awwwww, thanks lass :rainbowkiss:, even if that was more than ten words.

3074023 That's what we call university over here. THAT'S when you have your own room with the huge campus ground, the massive classrooms and parties in the hallways and stuff.

1. Ah, okay. I feel you on that, especially with The Little Mermaid. God, I have such a love / hate relationship with that movie.

2. ...Pulp Fiction?

4. Oh. Well, that would be cool too. I have too many fictional crushes, so yeah.

6. No problem. :heart:

3074200 Never seen Pulp Fiction, so I wouldn't know if that's along the same lines.

Here's the game I'm referring to.

3074348 I guessed, to be honest. I don't know what movie you're talking about.

Oh, yeah, that game. I've heard of it, but I'm too lazy to download it.

What's your idea of a day well spent?

3074609 I just mean action movies in general, especially ones starring the likes of Schwarzenegger, Stallone, etc.

Girl, games like that do well to enrich your creative spirit, as well as your intellect. If you have a 3DS, I urge you to play it for that reason.

3074610 Getting a story finished.

3074638 Do Avengers movies count?

And alas, I own no gaming systems whatsoever.

3077038 Only Agent Carter so far. *scream of anguish* WHERE IS SEASON TWO? :raritydespair:

And nope. Money and moral issues.

3077225 My dad believes video games will rot my brain. Honestly, he says this to the girl who watches less than two hours of tv per week.

3077271 Your dad is wholly and utterly mistaken. I've been playing video games since I was 7, and my creative (and regular) intellect wouldn't be half of what it currently is otherwise. Sorry to hear you've missed out on so many wonders. :applejackunsure:

3077304 Meh, I've watched enough cartoons and read enough books to think up too many damn worlds and characters. Can't keep track of my OC's half of the time.

me: Gonna write a cute lil drabble for my OC's
*five minutes later*
me: wait what was the name of his kid again
me: no not the firstborn the fourth kid
me: was it a boy or a girl

just waiting for an update on Mi Amore, My Sunshine

3093665 OH SHIT THAT WAS A THING? *ahem* I do believe I marked that as cancelled...?

3094153 IT has been incomplete the whole time.

3094165 Shoot. It should say cancelled. I'll switch that asap; and I'm so sorry to disappoint you, but I totally suck at most multi-chapters.

3094166 that's a bummer. it had potential.

3094176 If you want, go ahead and adopt the idea!

3094932 I pretty much have it covered with Love...... Seriously!?

3094946 Go nuts! :pinkiehappy: *pats you on the head* You have the Princess's Royal Approval.

3094984 Check it out. it's doing surprisingly well

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