R4 (Reactions, Reviews, Reference, Redirection) #0134 · 1:05pm May 2nd, 2015
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Here are five slightly edited old reviews:
Daring Do and the Cursed Tome by Abalidoth
Spring is Dumb by HoofBitingActionOverload
Sugarfree by Wade
"Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, Squirt" by gmen15
Daring Dam by shortskirtsandexplosions
Daring Do and the Cursed Tome by Abalidoth
[story link] [my original review]
I found this kind of sweet. Pokes a bit of fun at fan fiction, well, sort of. Yet the story as a whole paints it in a good light. Plus the last bit was even more adorable. Random thought: In Equestria are the occult adventure and/or high fantasy books their equivalent of our modern techno-thrillers? Evil magic and prophecy, torn from the headlines!
Spring is Dumb by HoofBitingActionOverload
[story link] [my original review]
This is one of the sweetest romance fanfics I’ve read in a while. Great version of Rainbow Dash as well. This is one of the better Rainbow Dash perspective stories I’ve ever read, in fact. Also was a pretty good story about young love. Most fics are about more equal and/or adult relationships (or attempt it) and this one really nailed the worried inexperience on one side of a relationship. Or so I thought. Don’t exactly have much personal experience to judge that sort of thing. Just felt that the emotions came through really strongly.
Sugarfree by Wade
[story link] [my original review]
This one is incomplete, sadly. It starts off pretty neat. I would have loved more slice of life stuff before the plot kicked in. Kind of drags in the middle and the current end of it at the moment, though. It kind of feels like the author isn’t sure how to get to the end, so they are just sort of wandering around story-wise until they figure it out. Still, fun bits, some cool worldbuilding, and well-written characters. Once this gets finished it will be one to check out for sure.
"Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, Squirt" by gmen15
[story link] [my original review]
Fairly typical Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo fanfic. Let’s call it familyshipping for laziness sake. Scootaloo isn’t an orphan, but has an alcoholic mother instead. Rainbow Dash is all along on the holiday as well. So they have a moment basically being family for each other. I found it sweet, but fairly shallow. Lots of other stories have done better with these characters. For a better treatment of this sort of thing I’d recommend Spellbound Fireflies.
Daring Dam by shortskirtsandexplosions
[story link] [my original review]
This is good, but a bit odd. A story about the author of the Daring Do books talking with the mane six, but not in the main version of Equestria. At least I don’t think it is. It is a interesting look at creativity and doing what you love instead of what is popular, but it’s hard pinning it in any particular place worldbuilding-wise. A good read, but might drive more analytical readers a bit nuts. I’m still not sure if the mane six were actually there, memories, hallucinations, something else, or what.
As always, The Big Master Review List is here: { THE MASTER LIST }
If you know of a text-format reviewer I'm not keeping track of, please let me know and I'll see if they meet the criteria to be assimilated into the list.
If you are an author who wants a more detailed review of a story I've covered feel free to message me. My reviews tend to be fairly light, mostly just reactions to a story right after reading it. I am happy to give a more careful read and reply to anyone who wants more precision and/or feedback.