• Member Since 1st Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen January 15th


MLP helped me find my muse in Oct. 2014 after 6 years without it. I have a Psychology B.S. Sunset Shimmer is best pony.

More Blog Posts50

  • 64 weeks
    November 2023 update

    Well it's about darn time, wouldn't you agree? Feels good to be writing again.

    So why haven't I been writing? A multitude of reasons, but I'll talk about the big ones.

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    2 comments · 134 views
  • 237 weeks
    "Always Had" is Officially COMPLETED

    It's been almost two years since the last chapter of Always Had was published. This whole time it's been marked as "Incomplete", but tonight I finally decided to move forward with the next stage of the story in a separate fic and mark this one as "Complete", as Twilight's adventure of being Clover the Clever is ended and her slice of life as Clover has only just begun.

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    4 comments · 406 views
  • 296 weeks
    Gusty the Great

    1. Has a horn
    2. Has wavy hair that seems to flow even when there's no wind
    3. Apparently flew away from Mt. Everhoof before teleporting away

    I'm calling it now: Gusty's an alicorn.

    2 comments · 529 views
  • 319 weeks
    Christmas Fic

    Writing a musical is difficult.

    Hopefully I'll have it done in the next couple weeks, because I want to publish it before Christmas.

    7 comments · 324 views
  • 328 weeks
    Happy Anniversary

    On this day eight years ago, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic premiered on the Hub Network. A bunch of grown men decided to watch it as a joke, and then realized that it was actually a pretty good show. Very quickly, bronies came into the forefront of media for defying societal expectation that grown men aren't supposed to enjoy things marketed to young girls.

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May 2015 Plans · 9:22pm Apr 30th, 2015

Before I get into the main point of this blog, I'd like to extend a brief shoutout to everyone who's read and liked the story I posted, The Princess that Equestria Never Had. In only five days, it's had 670 views -- way more than the 311 it currently has on Archive of Our Own after seven months -- and is on 13 bookshelves and being tracked (not sure why, as it's completed) by three users -- compared to only one bookmark on ao3. Thanks again for the numbers on what's currently my (and soon to be second) longest story I've ever written.

The pony in my profile is Bit Bridleheart, P.I. The generator I used didn't have an option for a trilby, but just imagine him wearing a trilby (a fashionable hat since the 1800s, and what most people erroneously believe is called a fedora). He is the star of a series of short stories I'll be writing, in which characters from the show come to him for good old-fashioned film noir help. And yes, that's why he has no color. Look forward to the first installment, in which a hysterical dame comes to him about a missing feline.

Now, to the plans. I've already mentioned my Bit Bridleheart, P.I. series. I'll try to post them regularly throughout the summer as I also work on the semi-sequel to The Princess that Equestria Never Had. Without giving too much away, it's about time travel and the founding of Equestria, and reading The Princess that Equestria Never Had is not necessary for reading its sequel. I'd outlined 22 chapters, but after reading a certain book from which I learned more details about how Star Swirl, the princess sisters, and other characters interacted, there are now 25. I wouldn't be surprised if I reach at least 75K words. I really don't want to give away more than I have to. Can you tell?

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