Tanks for the memories SPOILER WARNING · 11:51pm Apr 25th, 2015
SPOLIER WARNING. if you dont want the episode spoiled then put a saucepan over your head and bang it with a spoon until you manage to click off this page
I dont normally make blog posts about episodes but this one was different.
God damn
This is the deepest this show has gone so far I believe, it wasn't hard to see this as the G-rated version of a pet dying, but seeing Rainbow Dash completetly break down like that? Never before has this show made me feel for a character before like that, and thats coming from someone who already waifus RD. She really is a big softy on the inside, but one thing stood out.
Rainbow is terrified of being alone.
This has... well its confirmed some things i've been thinking. You have no idea how much i wanted to hold her in that scene, my poor heart can't take that mare sometimes.
What do you guys think? How did it play your feelsicord?
Also, dat game of thrones refrence.
Putting SPOILER ALERT at the beginning would be great considering some of us haven't seen it yet
good idea, my apologies
when my sister and I watched that episode together this morning, we both wanted to hug that balling multicoloured horse
I liked the episode in general, but I freaking despise it for that super obvious and shameless reference that was just crammed in there...