• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2019

The Princess Rarity

Quirky teenage girl who writes about cartoons & has an obsession with sparkly things & cute dorks. Goes through life following by Dr. Seuss's wise words; "You have to be odd to be number one."

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  • 421 weeks

    PSA to whatever amount of followers actually read this bullshit anymore - I'm quitting FIMFiction. This blog post will be my last. I will no longer post on this account. I say those specific words because maybe I will come back but I do not wish to constantly have the name and standards of TPR on it. This is a personal issue of my own, influenced by many things (anxiety, depression, life in

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  • 432 weeks
    I'm not dead. I guess?

    Hi, everyone. Reagan / Toni / The Princess Rarity here. I assume most of you thought I was dead, quit the site, et cetera. Obviously, this is not the case. I have no good excuses for my hiatus - I mean, sure, there's school and work and anxiety and other fandoms, along with life in general - but oh, well. Sorry I've been gone so long.

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    New year, and somewhat new me!

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  • 458 weeks
    Don't ask me what this is, because I don't even know.

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    *throws words at you lovely people*


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Toni's Season Five Premiere Review · 11:47am Apr 13th, 2015

You didn't think I would do one of these, did you? Well, I did! I battled my laziness, and won, so this is one of the first things I started typing up. So, if you haven't seen the Season Five two-part premiere yet, avoid the spoilers below. (Although, it's been over a week, so I'm sure y'all have seen it by now...)

Anywho, we're finally here. The long awaited fifth season. Us bronies were getting terribly impatient, even if our hiatus had some hella cute antagonists in a magical horse girl movie, we finally had that glorious day of April 4th dawn upon us!

...and here's my opinion.

So the whole idea of a utopian / dystopian society, everybody being the same, and an all powerful ruler of the town. Sounds pretty similar to the bandwagon every author and movie director is jumping onto these days; so okay, I guess I can get behind that. Some of those turn out pretty good. What's the name of this place's ruler anyway? ... Starlight Glimmer?

Ha. Funny. Okay, writers, good one.

A few minutes in, and we find out that the government of this small town is somewhat like Hitler's rule. HEIL STARLIGHT does have a nice ring to it. (And yes, I actually said it out loud a few times while watching the special. I also accused them of being communists.) Oh, wait, new characters! The pink one's cute. The blue pegasus still looks like a bad OC. The white stallion could use a different mane color. The blue dude is kinda adorable too, even if he seems a bit creepy and clingy to the ruler of the joint.

Aaaand the Mane Six have been kidnapped. What the hell, Twilight? You took down a magic-stealing demon thing on your own, and earlier, with the help of your friends, you fought back an army of Changelings, but y'all couldn't fight a group of weirdos?

*someone screams continuity error in the background*

After the Mane Six (especially Pinkie, Fluttershy & RD) have kinda been in and out of OOC-ness throughout the whole special, now they're kinda hitting the head on the nail here. Okay, they're hypnotized or without their cutie mark magic or whatever, that's a valid excuse. I'll give them that. But how have they all not killed each other? Or at least, argued? Best friends or not, it's science, if you lock a bunch of women in a room together, they're gonna try to hurt one another.

FLOOTERSHY HAS HEILED STARLIGHT. ZEES IS A GLORIOUS DAY. (If you read that in Photo Finish's voice, good. I wanted you to.) Okay, so I wonder how adorable she'll look with braids-

-oh, well, no braid train. Fine. Be that way.

And whatdya know? It's not Communism or Hitler-inspired. It's an Animal Farm government; everyone is equal, except the ruler. Good job, McCarthy, you're teaching the kids some really brutal government here. And good thing you didn't forget the creepy characters to go with it. I'm being sarcastic here, I love you, Meghan, you're awesome. So apparently, Starlight wants to harness the power of the Elements of Harmony and become an all powerful alicorn or some shit like that, I guess-

...oh, yeah, Fluttershy definitely won't betray you guys or whatever. She's not gonna tell them stuff she might have found out.

Twilight, out of all the books you read, I thought you'd know how a dictatorship works. Unless those never existed in Equestria and Starlight is the founder of it?

Wait, did she just admit her defeat? It's a fucking stick? No magic at all except for your own? How the hell did she even learn magic that powerful? Was she one of Celestia's former students too? If so, why the hell does Celestia have such a fascination with names similar to Twilight's? (Conspiracy bronies, work your magic on that one.)


Easiest defeat ever. Literally, you guys didn't have to do shit. You walked around. The new guys saved the day. Y'all better buy them ice cream or something-

-and a party. Oh. Cute.

Speaking of party, I shall dub Pinkie Pie x Party Favor x Sugar Belle as my OT3 and you can't stop me! *sails away on the ship*

So long story short, I didn't like this premiere very much. A weak antagonist, sprinkle in some somewhat OOC Mane Six, and pacing that was much too fast, which means this got a thumbs down for me. I have to say, Meghan McCarthy does finales much better than she does premieres. Might want to hand those over to M.A. Larson -- yes, I'm looking at you, Season Two.

The Princess Rarity is not responsible for breaking anyone's brain with her fangirl ramblings.

Report The Princess Rarity · 358 views ·
Comments ( 31 )

Wait, did she just admit her defeat? It's a fucking stick? No magic at all except for your own? How the hell did she even learn magic that powerful? Was she one of Celestia's former students too? If so, why the hell does Celestia have such a fascination with names similar to Twilight's? (Conspiracy bronies, work your magic on that one.)

She SAYS it's just a stick she found in the desert. That doesn't mean she's right. She may accidentally have found a real magical object. I'm wondering if we'll see more of --Meadowbrook's?--magic items later on.

I don't think she can possibly have been Celestia's student, unless she's just a rank and file "gifted unicorn." Or maybe she wasn't accepted, or couldn't go. Building up her own little cult that doesn't have anything to do with Celestia suggests "to hell with you."

Speaking of party, I shall dub Pinkie Pie x Party Favor x Sugar Belle as my OT3 and you can't stop me! *sails away on the ship*

And leave out the second most powerful party pony in Equestria? How about making it an OT4?


And leave out the second most powerful party pony in Equestria? How about making it an OT4?

I like the way you think.

2979457 You make a valid point, and I am looking forward to possible development on Meadowbrook, because huzzah, no more using Starswirl to cover up all magic history stuff!

And true on the 'Tia thing, too. I like that headcanon. I might go with that...

2979478 / 2979457 As for the OT4, that's one too many ponies in a single ship for me. Besides, Cheese Pie will always be one of my OTP's for this show, and I will not rest until it becomes canon. Which might be never, but a girl can always dream!


that's one too many ponies in a single ship for me.


What the hell, Twilight? You took down a magic-stealing demon thing on your own, and earlier, with the help of your friends, you fought back an army of Changelings, but y'all couldn't fight a group of weirdos?

Alicorns aren't infallible, as we've seen already with Celestia at the wedding. Twilight had no idea what kind of magic was at work, and so she didn't know that getting hit by it even once would cost her her cutie mark, thereby taking away any and all chances she had of fighting back. Notice how the second time she and Starlight faced off she knew exactly what to do.

After the Mane Six (especially Pinkie, Fluttershy & RD) have kinda been in and out of OOC-ness throughout the whole special,

I don't recall any OOC-ness from them at all. Care to give some examples?

now they're kinda hitting the head on the nail here

Did you intentionally write it this way instead of 'nail on the head'?

But how have they all not killed each other? Or at least, argued? Best friends or not, it's science, if you lock a bunch of women in a room together, they're gonna try to hurt one another.

Women =/= Mares

And with all the time lapses they did, for all we know there might've been arguing going on that we didn't get to see.

A weak antagonist, sprinkle in some somewhat OOC Mane Six, and pacing that was much too fast

Not every antagonist needs to be a AAA super villain or even a jerk, you know. Starlight is a good antagonist because she acts as an opposing force to everything the show teaches, and does so in her own special way that makes her stand out among the villain cast.

Again, the Mane 6 seemed perfectly in character from what I remember. The situation they were put in was completely different from anything they've been in before, but I found their reactions to it as very believable all throughout.

Pacing that was much too fast? Are we even talking about the same premiere here? The pacing here was actually some of the best I can recall from the show in a while. Never did it feel rushed ala MMC, nor did it feel slowed down to a crawl. It was just right all around.

I have to say, Meghan McCarthy does finales much better than she does premieres.

Meghan didn't write this premiere.

Aaaand the Mane Six have been kidnapped. What the hell, Twilight? You took down a magic-stealing demon thing on your own, and earlier, with the help of your friends, you fought back an army of Changelings, but y'all couldn't fight a group of weirdos?

Uh, in case you don't remember, those bad guys were TRYING TO HARM/KILL THEM. And the smiling ponies up to that point hadn't done anything besides smile and act friendly to them, even if they were under Starlight's control. And do you REALLY think our heroines, who we're supposed to root for, would be willing to beat up innocent ponies who are under a spell and have done NOTHING to hurt or antagonise them besides smile?

And Twilight WAS about to fire a beam at Starlight who proved to be too quick for her before she could do it. Besides, alicorns aren't exactly INVINCIBLE.

"weak villain"?

EX-FUCKING-CUSE ME?! Starlight was an INCREDIBLE villain! Just because she's not some mythical beast like Chrysalis or Discord doesn't make her bad, it makes her more unique and more scary. In fact, it's incredibly refreshing to have a main villain who's a normal pony rather than another big monster villain like Tirek. The idea that a unicorn would be capable of spells that can REMOVE SOMEPONY'S VERY IDENTITY, psychologically torture them until they accept her views and brainwashing them into following her rule in order to create her twisted idea of a utopia is pretty fucking terrifying. Not to mention her incredible cunning: taking out Twilight (arguably the STRONGEST and MOST POWERFUL member of the Mane Six) first then dealing with the others. And the fact we don't yet know why she is doing this makes her more interesting.

...Plus she was the first villain to shut Twilight up during one of her speeches.

After the Mane Six (especially Pinkie, Fluttershy & RD) have kinda been in and out of OOC-ness throughout the whole special

Uh, HOW? Just because Pinkie is the Element of Laughter who dedicates her life to making others and KNOWS true happiness when she sees it. Don't tell me YOU wouldn't be suspicious if you came to a town where literally everyone looks at you with smiles that look incredibly forced.

Fluttershy was only being optimistic about the different ways of others, shy (surprise, surprise) and kind to the villagers. Y'know, KINDNESS? Her freaking ELEMENT? Plus SHE was the one picked for the stealth mission of trying to get the cutie marks back and ultimately became the one who exposed Starlight's treachery. THAT was awesome.

Rainbow was just being Rainbow. OOC? I think NOT!


Who says they're not allowed to add in some dark stuff now and then? What, you want it to be JUST sunshine and lollipops 24/7?

Easiest defeat ever. Literally, you guys didn't have to do shit. You walked around. The new guys saved the day.

Don't you think that's actually a really clever twist the show hasn't pulled off before? They helped the victims in need by exposing Starlight and they helped the Mane Six in return? Y'know, something NEW? Something that ISN'T the Mane Six being the only ones who save the day for once? Y'know, CHANGE? Something that has to happen in a show in order to prevent it from coming to the same resolutions over and over and sometimes turns out great in the end?!

I have to say, Meghan McCarthy does finales much better than she does premieres. Might want to hand those over to M.A. Larson

Oh, for the love of Luna, didn't you read the opening credits?! Meghan didn't write this! M.A. Larson and Scott Sonneborn did!

(long sigh) Toni, you're awesome but... get some analysis lessons.

2979896 / 2979564
Then the title card on my tv lied to me. It said Meghan wrote it.

2979896 <== This all the way.
2980749 C'mon Toni, put some thought into these things. I know you're young, but I'd still like to think you're capable of looking deeper into something than the surface level. :applejackunsure:

2980749 No, if you'd paid attention, you would've seen that it said "Story by Meghan McCarthy" and. "Written by M.A. Larson and Scott Sonneborn".

2980788 / 2980902 Look, guys, I screwed up on my facts, okay? I didn't mean it. But I honestly didn't like this special; I watched it twice in order to get a full feel of it and it was not what I expected. The wait wasn't worth it for me, I personally think they could have done a better job and I'm sorry if my review wasn't what you wanted.

2981121 What, you weren't expecting something NEW? Well what WERE you expecting? A rehash of the other season premieres instead of something new? Another giant mythological beast villain instead of something new? Another "TASTE THE RAINBOW, MOTHAFUCKA" deus ex machina instead of something new? Something old instead of something... oh, I don't know, NEW?!

2981137 I was expecting something with more… action. Story to it. This felt bland to me. That’s all. I’m entitled to my opinion.

Can I just say that I totally agree with everything you've stated above? This was exactly what I was thinking while watching the premiere! When they started singing "In Our Town' I told myself "What Nazi imagery?" because I found it so freaking ironic. Even the houses/town/whatever the hell that place was looked like a fucking concentration camp! I just want to thank you for this bright light of logic you've bestowed upon your page. This is brilliance and I agree completely. :pinkiehappy:

2981446 Thank you. At least someone tolerates my opinion and agrees with me.

2981382 Of course you're entitled to your own opinion. That's a given and no one can say otherwise.

That said, it does lead me to question what exactly you mean by 'action' and 'story, because the premiere had plenty of both. We got a great chase scene and an avalanche, both filled with great set pieces and gags (balloon binoculars are awesomely ridiculous). Having the Mane 6 set out to disrupt a cult of commie ponies is a great premise, and while it felt contrived in some big areas (Spike being left behind for no good reason) the episode pulled the story off in such a way that has people both intrigued and entertained, the former something we've been lacking since season 2.

Like I said, you're entitled to your own opinion, and I respect that. But ask yourself this: what sets you, The Princess Rarity, apart from the majority of everyone else in regards to this episode's enjoyment factor?

2981485 I never said there was. I simply posted my review and thoughts of this premiere. It wasn't the kind of action I wanted, that's all. I'm sorry if I came off as harsh or anything of that form. I just would have preferred it if there was some sort of an actual battle with Twilight and Starlight, but the defeat and victories seemed too easy and the Mane Six had almost nothing to do with the latter. I like seeing my girls being adorable and badass.


I'm sorry if I came off as harsh or anything of that form.

Not so much harsh as unclear about what you were saying. if you'd said the action wasn't what you wanted than I wouldn't have been confused.

I just would have preferred it if there was some sort of an actual battle with Twilight and Starlight

It ain't like with Tirek where both are employing nothing but raw magical strength. Starlight has her cutie mark removal spell and not much else from what we saw, whereas Twilight is the Element of Magic and has access to more spells than anyone can shake a stick at. Their first encounter couldn't have heralded a real fight, so of course the second wouldn't either; the only difference between the two was that Twilight was prepared to deal with Starlight's spell the second time around.

but the defeat and victories seemed too easy

Can you honestly say being holed up in a shack all night long with loudspeakers blasting crap in your ears every other minute is easy stuff?

and the Mane Six had almost nothing to do with the latter

They've saved the day together plenty of times already. If the show's going to stay fresh, the rest of the cast needs time to shine. The Mane 6 exposed Starlight for the liar she is, and that's enough to consider them heroes for this premiere.

I like seeing my girls being adorable and badass.

Then just rewatch the series premiere or Return of Harmony, or heck, read any of the fanfictions on here where they get to be exactly that. :twilightsmile:

2981595 Yeah, I know. Like I said, I was just dissatisfied. I felt like I spent all of that time waiting, and for what? Again, I'm sorry if I came off as a bitch. I should be everyone's lovable and adorable FIMFiction Princess. :heart:


I should be everyone's lovable and adorable FIMFiction Ninja Princess

I agree wholeheartedly. :twilightsmile:

2981680 Ninja? Raz, dude, I can bench half-decently, but I'm not a ninja... yet.

2981692 I look forward to the day that you become one. :raritystarry:

2981696 Well, I'll be the only ninja in a sparkly purple outfit, so you'll spot me very easily.

Looks like it's our princess' duty to ship more ponies! :heart:

2988388 Some bronies don't seem to understand that this two-parter wasn't trying to be a Disney movie like A Canterlot Wedding or have epic Dragon Ball Z-style action like Twilight's Kingdom. It was portraying very mature subjects with technicolor ponies to psychologically screw with the audience. This really defines how far the show has come.


they opened up a huge story device that they didn't expand on. Why was Starlight Glimmer so set on stealing cutie marks? Just for 'equality'? Or was there more? How did Starlight Glimmer figure out how to take cutie marks? We know she studied, but with whom? What did she study? Why does taking away a pony's cutie mark take away their talent, which they had before the cutie mark appeared?

Yes, because THAT is what life is made up of: answers. Easy-to-get, non-thought-provoking answers. Because we HAVE to prepare our kids for how freaking easy life is always gonna be. We don't want them to THINK. Princess Twilight Sparkle didn't immediately tell us what was in the chest or that Twilight would get her own castle and earn the title of Princess of Friendship, did it? No. It raised questions for the audience, kept them interested in this new story arc they were adding to Season 4, and they foreshadowed the answers we would get in the finale.

Okay, all joking aside, I think this makes Starlight all the more interesting for the viewer. The fact not every question wondered about her is answered straight away, but rather they might be answered throughout the season since Jim "Big Jim" Miller tweeted that Starlight will probably return this season. Not to mention she's the first villain of the show that isn't reformed, imprisoned or destroyed but actually escapes to possibly return another day and become a recurring villain.

But that's just my two cents.

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