50 Followers, Hot Damn · 8:11pm Apr 10th, 2015
Damn, fifty followers, now there's something I never expected . I love each and every one of you Equally
I was thinking of doing some competitions, but short of a full blood transfusion theres not much of a prize to be offered
Um...what? Also, I dint want a full blood transfusion and I doubt that anyone fits so it would be better to just not offer anything.
2969037 lol, alright then, it's a bit late however, I got two IV bags full and nowhere to store them
2969040 I'm O-, so I suppose it is comrade
2969044 Um...donate then to your local hospital comrade.
2969047 I suppose so, although I think it could be used in the greatest prank of all time, speaking of I feel a tad faint. Nighty-night everyone
2969055 What prank comrade? I love pranks, especially those that involve blood. Good night comrade, May your sleep be restful because not having a good night's sleep sucks.
2969058 lol, you do know going to sleep with a couple of litres of blood missing can lead to your brain shutting off
2969059 I wouldn't be surprised if afterwards they gave comrade bear a glass or two of vodka
2969061 Oh holy shit. Does that kill you? Did you actually just take out some if your blood it what the hell did you do?
2969066 lol, no I didn't lose any blood
. You're quite gullible, no offense intended 
At least he picked up something positive from his grandpappy, the only thing I learnt from mine was how to get wasted on a mix of red bull, vodka and gin and then crash your car into a small villages only water source 
2969070 It's okay, none taken. The thing is, sometimes I think that here's science that something might be going in but it doesn't make sense for it to be happening so K just ask around some more and find or what's actually happening. Like how right now you were acting like you lost blood but up till a point I thought you were just pretending. But then you have me reason to believe it might be true, so then I was confused.
Anyways, I'm glad your didn't randomly lose blood comrade. Good night.
2969087 Good Night comrade
2969098 wow, you know my family tree like the back of your hand don't you
2969130 I agree comrade, however if you had a long hard look at my family history you would more or less be gazing into the abyss and when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you
2969146 I don't know where I found this
2969157 It took me far too long to find it XD, but alas I can now die in peace
Our influence grows ever stronger comrade Stalin!
2969177 Da!! Comrade Derpy
2969180 We also have KGB agent in equestria, soon we can put an end too those semen stories.
2969201 I will rejoice at the day the oppressive semen regime shall be destroyed. But our agent must be ever vigilant, lest the semen attacks him
2969206 Soon enough they shall be topple and we shall be the ones standing in the ring with our fist raised high! WE WILL USE THEIR CORPSES TO BUILD MONUMENTS OF SUCH INSOLENCE!!!
2969218 Exactly comrade, however we must bide our time and use subterfuge and other such tactics to topple them. An all out assault now would only serve to destroy us
2969222 We've waited over a century, what Is another 1 or 2 century's right? The second proletariat revolution shall set everything right.
2969229 Exactly comrade, I shall lead the Western European side of the revolution. Specifically around the Atlantic and Baltic states
2969231 God speed comrade '-'7
2969256 And to you as well comrade
2969260 *Grows owl wings and head* God I'm good at bein an owl. *flies off flapping arms* HOOT HOOT!
2969272 Ummmmm
, well we do all have weird talents 
2969281 XD