30 Follower Special · 10:59am Apr 8th, 2015
Well we finally reached 30 followers
about damn time
I'm really grateful for each and every one of you comrades
May you go on to spread peace and equality wherever you walk, for the revolution comrades
Just a quick question what's your favourite song?
Mine is
Linkin Park - Numb
Linkin Park - What I've Done
Can't decide
2960301 XD so really just a lot of Linkin Park then
2960303 Oh, and some Imagine Dragons and Fallout Boy
2960307 XD so really just the whole genera of modern/progressive rock
2960308 Yeah, I like dubstep, rock and all of that stuff
2960309 I do enjoy a bit of Rock/Metal but I'm always partial to some Irish Folk/ saoirse music
2960310 Yeah, I'm more of a dubstep kind of girl
2960312 yeah, I never really listened to that much dubstep
Mine is Last goodbye by billy Boyd:
2960315 LOTR always seems to have good music doesn't it
2960316 well I am a fan of LOTR a BIG fan of it.
2960324 So am I, I've read the book so much and practically know the movies off by heart, there probably the best movie series out there
2960325 yeah I know right!
My favorite songs are always changing.
2960362 So are mine XD, I think everyones favourite songs do change over time
2960364 I can't keep the same ones for more than a month.
I normally can't keep one for a week 
2960368 Fabulous.
its a tie between
Imagine Dragons - Demons
Fall Out Boy - Immortals