• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 3rd


"How hard can rocket science be anyway?"

More Blog Posts33

  • 487 weeks
    Quick update

    I noticed that when re-writing some old chapters, it doesnt tell you that they have been republished, so to tell you guys that the chapter has been reworked, there will be = signs at either side of the chapter name. This is just a quick way to say that that chapters been refurbished. Ones that dont have it from now on are old chapters due for a revamp!

    0 comments · 590 views
  • 492 weeks
    Ut Ametur Iris RENOVATION

    That's right were going house rules up in this bitch.

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    2 comments · 506 views
  • 501 weeks
    Tanks for the memories SPOILER WARNING

    SPOLIER WARNING. if you dont want the episode spoiled then put a saucepan over your head and bang it with a spoon until you manage to click off this page

    I dont normally make blog posts about episodes but this one was different.

    God damn

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    4 comments · 466 views
  • 507 weeks
    yep mods are shit heads

    so the new fic isn't coming. There is no triumphant return to writing for me. I'll put it up on my pastebin, but just fuck this site. It was bad enough when every single shitty shipfic gets featured but its even worse now that they will let some of the trash through but not actual fics that people put time and effort into.

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    3 comments · 537 views
  • 507 weeks
    well shit

    Hi guys, how you all doing? Firstly, i'm not dead, i've just been quite recently, i had hoped to make a sudden comeback with a new two part story full of lovely dashie goodness, but unfortunately it failed submission.


    its amazing how some of the utter trash can get accepted here, yet actual fics don't. -_-

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    4 comments · 476 views

yep mods are shit heads · 11:33pm Mar 18th, 2015

so the new fic isn't coming. There is no triumphant return to writing for me. I'll put it up on my pastebin, but just fuck this site. It was bad enough when every single shitty shipfic gets featured but its even worse now that they will let some of the trash through but not actual fics that people put time and effort into.

so i'm sorry to say that both Ut Ametur Iris and My little Yamato are going on HIATUS until i write a story that not only feels fun to write for me, but also doesn't upset the mods.

Thankyou and good day.

Report Jazzaman · 537 views · Story: Ut Ametur Iris ·
Comments ( 3 )

Please tell me this is a joke.....for the love of god please say its a joke!

(probably too much drama but still........:fluttershysad:) I hope that you will came back when your ready:eeyup:


mods a shit

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