Full List of Stories · 6:20pm Mar 18th, 2015
So aside from the stories on my profile, there are also numerous collabs on other peoples' profiles that I'm a part of. I have added a section to my profile listing them, although because of how the module layout system works, the best layout choice is still horribly inconvenient (it's directly below the already very long list of my own profile's stories). So just so you know, it's there.
For easy access, here's a list of just the names of all stories I have, whether on my profile or others, and links to them if you wish to check them out even briefly:
Restless in Hoofington (Dark/comedy blend with romance; rated M for sex)
But We Can't Eat Meat! (Dark post-apocalyptic scenario; rated M for gore)
Revive, Repair, Reprogram (Comedic slice of life)
Decades Lead to Every Day (Dark/comedy blend, split into arcs, basically my obligatory "story about my OC")
DEATH BATTLE: Equestria (Parody of Death Battle, you should know what to expect)
Veins and Arteries (Comedic romance, originally NaNoWriMo 2014 story)
New World, New Bonds (Pokémon crossover; contribution to the universe of A New World, A New Way)
Virtue and Vice: Equestria (Dark/comedy blend with adventure, features many interesting OCs)
Life Outside Work (Comedic slice of life; side story to Virtue and Vice: Equestria)