Gaze upon me, FIMFiction, for I am Rarity! · 3:57am Mar 7th, 2015
For my fifteenth birthday last week, I got to buy myself a pony t-shirt from Hot Topic and obviously I got one that featured best pony. Today was the day that fabulous shirt arrived. Unfortunately, my webcam is on the fritz so I cannot take an epic selfie right now, but as soon it's working, I promise, you will all get to see me look totally cute in this fashion forward statement.
Now, I can officially call myself The Princess Rarity because I finally own a piece of Rarara merch.
Good for you, darling! Is it the cutie mark shirt?
Wait, you're fifteen!?
...You write stories amazingly well for someone your age. Praise be to thee, BasedToni.
Also, that shirt is totes adorable.
2856062 The shirt link is in the post. It's green...?
2856070 >hasn't published anything in months, >still praises me. GAH. *blushes and falls over*
How could I have missed this? Happy late birthday, I'll accept her snuggles.
All praise, Toni!
I have to echo 2856070's statement. I mean, I knew you were young, but fifteen? Wow.
And now I feel like a creepy old man with that statement.
2856097 I am an elusive species in this fandom. Young and female. One might call me a ... rarity.
HAHAHA -- okay, I'll shut up now.
2856102 Young. Female. And talented.
That's what makes you so special.
2856077 Oh! Lovely darling!~
Yeah, I got you beat. Mine has Rarity and Spike.
2856136 The feminist part of me wants to hate that shirt, the fangirl part of me is laughing at it and the minuscule practical part of me is making me shake my head. Oh, and unfortunately, the shipper part wants to burn it. But otherwise, I like it, where did you get it?
2856137 Sparity is where it's at. Of course, it's my original OTP after all.
I got it custom made from, where private artists can sell clothes and accessories with their artwork. I couldn't resist buying it when I ran across it. I just have a weakness for Spike and Rarity.
(Not to mention, I make that shirt look awesome kuz I'm just that sexy.)
I want one ;_:
Welcome to my uncomfortable world.
Hahaha, it is not so much the female thing, I never subscribed to the "there are no girls on the internet" theory… it's more just the mature fics that are exceptionally well written. Far above the quality and maturity I've seen from a lot of other writers around your age.
While I am no sexist, I am definitely an ageist, what with all the whipper snappers and their hippity-boppity music and their pants around their ankles…
But not you, Princess Rarity… you're one of the good ones! (hashtag ageist comment)
I was going to comment on TPR's comment about female being a rarity, and how half of the people I follow are female…
…then realised that didn't help me in the creep factor. Lol.
Oh shit, that's right....
Happy belated birthday, Toni
Fifteen already?! Jesus Christ... Well happy late birthday!
Also I agree: Rarity is best pony.
Well, happy belated birthday from me, too. How could you not tell us something that important, though?
Will you at least tell us the exact date so that we may mark it in our calendars for all the remaining years of the century?
Happy birthday! That's perfect for you. I'm getting to like Rarity more and more. Not that I didn't like her before.
2856344 You guys are lucky. I spend a lot of my time feeling like someone's mom.
2856514 Feb. 28th.
2856407 Thank you~
2856459 Yeah, remember that crazy eleven / twelve year old who used to write chipmunk stories with you? She's still crazy!
2856344 SHUT UP MY SMUT STORIES ARE TERRIBLE AND I KNOW IT -- but you can call me Toni, really, everyone does. Just look at all of these dorks who commented on this dumb post.
And don't worry, I hate my generation too.2856144 Redbubble charges an arm and a leg, though...
...but you do rock that shirt.
2856515 She's the queen, kay? You can't not love her.
Happy Birthday!
2856515 Well, you are very mom-like. You've scolded me before, and I honestly felt bad. That's a very mom thing.
2857270 / 2856515 Vote scoots2 for FIMFiction's new mod momma.
2857273 She's got my vote.
2857276 Ew, NO, guys. That is the absolute last thing I want. You know what keeps me far away from Brony meetups? That's what. "Ew, someone brought his MOM!" Add to that the person who called me the Ancient and Most Withered Trixie, and you've got a person who is super-sensitive about her age and is not a mom and does not wish to be a mom in ANY WAY. Start calling me that, and I will quit socializing with bronies face to face altogether.
2857270 I don't think expressing concern about [redacted]
is a particularly momly thing to say.
2857317 Actually, expressing concern whatsoever is rather momly these days. But alas, I understand your concern. You shall be known as simply Scoots. You're still awesome in my book either way.
2857317 Understandable. Sorry, I was just kidding around with the joke, is all. Either way, Scoots, you are 110% awesome, and never forget that.
2857479 Thanks, guys!
And it's too bad that expressing concern is reserved to mothers. There are a lot of bronies who are pretty good at it.
2857644 Nah, I'm just talking stereotypical here. The classic motherly type is a very concerned and kind person, which you are. But, have no fear, I see you as a friend and intelligent storyteller above all.
2857657 <--- Ditto to this, 2857644.
Ahhh, I wasn't aware you wrote 'mature' tagged fics (my mature filter is on pretty much all the time). I was talking about general maturity and tone, rather than smut fics. Definition three, as opposed to seven.
I should probably find a synonym for it, but cultured and developed aren't words I'd use unless I was a pretentious ass (so wait, what's stopping me?)… and ripened, uhhh, that sounds… I think that sounds worse than the misunderstanding of the word mature. Lol.
I was thinking of fics like The Vow, Definition of words and True Villain.
Edit: And now I see where the misunderstanding came from my first post. "Mature fics well written…" Yeah, there really needs to be a better synonym for mature that doesn't also mean smut
2858447 AH, OKAY, THAT MAKES A LOT OF SENSE. Yeah, I like to write stories that have deep true themes that can sometimes hit to the heart because they're comparable to real life. It's cool to mix reality with fantasy.