Rewrite! · 7:27pm Mar 6th, 2015
The chapter called "There Are Always Consequences" has been given a rewrite, check it out! Due to the fact I did not get the point across I was trying to make... Read that as did it totally and utterly wrong... I rewrote it and it appears to be quite a bit better!
Enjoy it and thanks for reading the story, you folks are always awesome!
I actually red this a few hours ago before it was redone. It's nice and fresh in the old brain space.
It's better though it seems more like an edit then a redo from scratch. If anything this confirms my theory that you are a realy good author.
It's more of an edit, I liked a few parts and kept them, but figured maybe a total turnaround from the direction and feelings the old chapter went would be a good thing. Hopefully it does work better than the old chapter