• Member Since 11th May, 2012
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A friendly hybrid from the naga folk. Dabbler digital artist and writter. A long, sturdy creature fond of food and industry. Beware of his hugs!

More Blog Posts14

  • 303 weeks
    Delay until Friday (Updated)

    Hello peeps!

    Sorry for the quick notice, but due to not finding time last week the next chapter will me moved to Friday.
    The chapter following that one will keep with the schedule ot Monday releases.

    Thank you for your patience.:ajsleepy:

    (Update: I've seen we've hit a milestone! I'll make the chapter a bit longer in celebration, so please bear with me :twilightsmile:)

    2 comments · 596 views
  • 308 weeks
    Publishing Schedule

    Hello there, dear readers! I've got a question for you, but first an update regarding the story.

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    6 comments · 580 views
  • 309 weeks
    1800 Milestone

    You are all absolute mad lads and I love you.

    5 comments · 598 views
  • 346 weeks
    Bad Writing, Or Blatant Misdirection?

    I've noticed a silent plague around the site and it's infecting a lot of stories. The process can be summed up as this:

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    3 comments · 707 views
  • 360 weeks
    Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!

    Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfoONlYjFuc

    And now, I'll show myself out :trollestia:

    3 comments · 394 views

Status Update and Questions! · 9:52pm Mar 1st, 2015

First of all, I'm sorry to say that I put the chapter on hold for the moment or at least I'm working on it and spellchecking it slower than usual (Yeah, believe it or not I actually try to write without errors!).

The reason is that I want to get my driving license and these past days I've been studying and doing tests every single day to learn as much as I can as soon as I can. I don't know about you guys but here the theorical part of the test are thirty questions and if you fail four that's it, you're out. And I only have one chance if I don't want to pay again, so yeah. No pressure.

So, since I don't really want to keep you in the dark and I've been taking notes in advance about the story and how I want to develop it...
Feel free to ask questions about it! About anything in the story! I'll try to not make spoilers though, so keep in mind to ask about things that already appeared and maybe are not explained at all, or about Gaia herself. As I said, ask anything!

Also I'm working on giving Prometheus a proper face, so expect at least a sketch of him in the next days or week tops.
Ah! And I want to thank you all for your support! I mean... I've seen it on the featured box almost each time I update it, and now it has more than 900 likes and more than 1500 readers follow it! Again, thank you! You are the best! :yay:

So! Remember, feel free to ask anything about the story!
That is all, mares and gentlecolts. See you next time!

Report Khenlos · 470 views · Story: The Slumber of Gaia ·
Comments ( 17 )

Will an emu appear in a future chapter?

Will Gaia and pinkie pie interact in regards to pinkie pie's 4th wall breaking ability ?

2841144 That's an oddly specific question... :rainbowlaugh:, but I don't think so. I mean, there is little reason to put an emu in Equestria.

Will Twilight's planet survive past 10 days? And at some point will a sapient/sentient species appear on it?

2841149 I had thought about something from the start of the story, but... I'm going to be honest with you and say that Pinkie's 4th wall breaking abilities are running rampant in almost each story here and I feel that it would only add artificial randomness to the already random plot... if what the story has can be called that :rainbowlaugh:

Now, what I really wanted to add is her "cartoon physics" ability that she also shows all the time. That's another thing that Gaia can't explain with her knowledge of her own world. I find that way more fun and endearing that breaking the 4th wall.


Is this a kind of joke? I've repeatedly seen this question asked recently.

Also if Gaia is technically the avatar of life
Will the avatar of Death make an appearence ?

2841201 No, it is not a joke, I've been looking for a story with an emu in it. So far, I haven't found one.


There are several stories that do quite a bit of world building with different races but I can't think of one off the top of my head that had Emus as a race. There was one where Celestia was turned into a Terror Bird, but I imagine you aren't counting that one.

2841211 That is a very good but hard question.

Gaia isn't the avatar of life per se. Her powers do come from all of the biomass in her world, that being every single animal, plant and cell there and she can create life from apparently nothing, but I take her creation from something that happens in the game.

In the game, Gaia will be asleep until you develop life, and she is kind of dumb. As lifeforms evolve she develops her own intelligence and supposedly reaching sapience when the first civilization appears. Also the more creatures living on the planet the more 'omega points' you earn to perform feats like creating life or even summoning alien intervention with a monolith to make a species more evolved in an instant.

Now Gaia in the story IS also asleep till life appears because she is the planet itself. If the planet is devoid of life Gaia just sleeps blissfully unaware of anything 'till the star collapses and destroys everything.

So, where do I want to go with this? Well, there is no avatar of death since there is no avatar of life. She is the avatar of the planet as a whole. If the planet goes boom she will die, and I think that an avatar of life would be able to just move to another planet and move on, surviving the eventual death of the planet. But that's just my opinion and how I see this 'in story'. :derpytongue2:

2841213 2841239 You need to admit that it's a strange concept, and in the same way I don't think I've seen strange or not widely known animals in stories here, like the capercaillie :derpytongue2:

So did Gaia mate herself in order to have Prometheus?

Brony from northern Spain.

Right, the license test is actually slightly difficult there. Sometimes I really wish it was possible to fail the one here in the 'states.

2841775 No, she just get's pregnant when a viable civilization rise. If the civilization fails in its first steps the child will die, but if they can manage to survive and thrive well, you can guess. :twilightsmile:

2842464 Yeah. The funny thing is that the questions aren't really that hard, but a lot of times the answers are all right and you must choose which one is the most correct of the bunch. :applejackunsure:

I don't have any specific questions, but good luck on your test!

No worry. If I could pass the driving-test, so you can.
Good luck nevertheless! :pinkiesmile:

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