• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2019

The Princess Rarity

Quirky teenage girl who writes about cartoons & has an obsession with sparkly things & cute dorks. Goes through life following by Dr. Seuss's wise words; "You have to be odd to be number one."

More Blog Posts263

  • 424 weeks

    PSA to whatever amount of followers actually read this bullshit anymore - I'm quitting FIMFiction. This blog post will be my last. I will no longer post on this account. I say those specific words because maybe I will come back but I do not wish to constantly have the name and standards of TPR on it. This is a personal issue of my own, influenced by many things (anxiety, depression, life in

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  • 435 weeks
    I'm not dead. I guess?

    Hi, everyone. Reagan / Toni / The Princess Rarity here. I assume most of you thought I was dead, quit the site, et cetera. Obviously, this is not the case. I have no good excuses for my hiatus - I mean, sure, there's school and work and anxiety and other fandoms, along with life in general - but oh, well. Sorry I've been gone so long.

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  • 457 weeks
    New year, and somewhat new me!

    Hey, guys. Long time, no see, right? I mean, aside from the occasional blog post or very rare story, you don’t see me as often as you’d like. I guess that’s expected, seeing how 2015 has been quite the rollercoaster for me; and I’m assuming the same for some of you guys as well. Which is why I’d like to take but a few minutes of time to explain some stuff to you guys.

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  • 461 weeks
    Don't ask me what this is, because I don't even know.

    I honestly just sat down and wrote this in one sitting because feelings. It's not much, really, it should be classified as a drabble but it's whatever, I guess. I'm only posting it here because it follows the word guideline limits.

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  • 463 weeks
    *throws words at you lovely people*


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"I just spent half of my money on hair gel!" and other things I never thought I'd say. · 6:45pm Feb 20th, 2015

Hey, it's always good to open up on a comedic note, but in all seriousness... I'm taking an official hiatus from fanfiction, guys. A lot of stuff is happening here at home, and I think I could be diagnosed with depression if I actually went to a doctor. Home life, school, personal feelings, that sort of thing. I need a break from everything. I'm still writing in my journals and doing drabbles in my Google Drive, yet I just need to step back and take a moment to get my shit together. I want to thank you all for being there for me, no matter what, and this is one of those times. I know I've been inactive enough as it is, but it's not laziness, I swear and I would never ditch you amazing people. I should be back around Season Five.

In hopes to make all of your smiles return, here's a picture of the adorkable cosmic horse wives. Shut up, they're totally married.

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Comments ( 13 )

Hugs make everything better (a little better at least) *hugs*

*then squees at Adorkable Horse WivesTM*

Ah, that's a shame. Clear your head, make your decisions, there's no rush.

Hope to see you again soon!

Yep. Yep they are.

Take care, now.

Take your time, my young friend. Remember your friends are just a message away.


Ah, depression. I know that bitter pill well.

Believe me, things get better. Especially once highschool is done and you move out.

Yes, a break is needed every now and then. Take care, and may the horsewords be with you, even if we can't see them. :twilightsmile:

Take care, Toni. Hope everything works out for ya.
If you ever need someone to just talk/vent to, you know where to find me.


Take as much time as you need. Your health is more important than satisfying us with lesbian horses.


IRL comes first. Take all the time you need, Toni-bear.

Okay, take all the time you need. And if you do need support, don't push us away. We're here for you. :twilightsmile:

You need all the time required, it's better to write when you feel the time is right. I hope to see you back when the ponies return! :pinkiehappy:

I can relate; I was diagnosed as a teenager.
Shoot me a message if you want.

Take care.

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