THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER ... almost. · 11:33pm Feb 11th, 2015
Are you living under a rock? If so, I'll get Maud to smash that rock so I can drag you back into the fandom because holy shit, we got one hell of a trailer for Season Five. There was AJ being sassy (she's been like that a lot lately, I've noticed), Princess Twilight finding out about another new world (seriously how many other worlds and crazy villains are there) and there's a return of that equal sign cutie mark.
All in all, it's time to wake up, bronies! Our fandom shall live again! We will not die from lack of ponies! It's coming back! SO DISCUSS.
Personally, I think all of those creepy ponies are determined to be like pony Hitlers; what with that cutie mark probably symbolizing equality. However, what the heck is a pony version of Aria Blaze doing there?
needs to be a thing...
somebody in Hasbro make it a thing...
Bollocks to what the soccer mums say, make it a goddamn thing!
I'm so exciiiited! And I just can't hiiiiiide it!
2788863 I was hoping someone would say that.
2788797 Your new avatar is beyond adorbs.
You see scientist-twi, kneeling in the corner, hair all messed up, and lab coat covered in chemical stains while she stares blankly at you while handing you a test tube.... as adorbz...
marry me~
Hype train incoming! Who knew the perfect race of creepy smiling ponies with equal signs for cutie marks could become a thing? I sure didn't.
2788874 See, people? This is what the human!Twi in the EQGVERSE needs to be. An adorable science geek bookworm who was homeschooled all her life but then she goes to CHS and makes friends and I HAVE BEEN REWATCHING THE MOVIES TOO MUCH GAH I NEED THE HORSES BACK.
Personally, I want her to be a massive conspiracy nut.
We all saw that conspiracy board at the end of the movie
2788902 That too.
when the third movies happens, keep pony Twilight in Equestria, Use H0man Twi
WHY THE BUCK ISNT CELESTIA IN THAT VIDEO?!?!?! And why do they keep smiling.......creepy.....
2788813 I'm about to lose control and geuibvnfkusbvs
2788925 Or better yet, use Sunset Shimmer. Human Twilight can be a supporting character.