• Member Since 30th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen March 8th


Just where has life gone? To think that 7 years ago I created an account just to read fan fics. Then I wrote one. Then two. Now its been 4 years silent.

  • TOnly in my dreams
    The dreams of the weak and the small being abused brings her to tears. The dreams of the fragile and innocent being abused makes her angry. The dreams of the abusive make her want to change the reality of what should and shouldn't be. What now Tia?
    Elderly · 32k words  ·  68  4 · 1.5k views

More Blog Posts16

  • 422 weeks
    How long has it been?

    Geez. It feels like it's been so long since i've been on this site. I offer no excuses for my absence. I simply one day lost most of my interest in mlp. Maybe a year ago? A long time to me anyhow. I get on this site and so much has changed. Looks like some new features were added. New popular writers i'm sure. Can't say i'm not jealous.

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    2 comments · 332 views
  • 453 weeks
    For better or worse...

    Well. I'm back! After a long summer ( and a very enjoyable one) I'm about ready to start writing again. In fact, i'm thinking about releasing a completely new fic that will get as much attention as " Only in my Dreams." Its going to have multiple arks, each one resetting the last. By that, I mean where one starts, all the other arks will have virtually the same beginning. However, each new ark

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  • 469 weeks
    I was thinking...

    Yes, I was thinking. Infact, I do it quite often. Perhaps I should think about doing it more often. Not only did I post the sequel like fic today, but I posted another story as well. Its called Dr.Youngeblood. Yes, the e in the middle is supposed to be there. Anyhow, I do believe I will start posting new stories for now on based around this doctor. Just a series of one shots. If you like them,

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  • 474 weeks
    Another name change

    Yes, I have changed my name again. I don't know why but it is a fun change in pace and it's perfectly allowable for small time authors! Oh. And for those of you who don't know who I was, I was PonyEssence.

    0 comments · 232 views
  • 475 weeks
    Eh... Writing.

    Welp. How many weeks has it been? 4? 5? I don't know but its been to long. That means this weekend, I will try to get the next chapter up for ' Only in my Dreams' along with some tweaks to the past ones. Nothing big though. But hey! New chapter right!

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Villain Chapter! And some more. · 12:02am Feb 8th, 2015

Heya guys! Time for this months first post!

Just a few things for now and they are all relevant to Only in my Dreams. As you’ve probably read the title of this blog, you already know what it is. As for those of you that haven't ( And probably just looked at the title), it’s about a villain chapter that I will be writing here soon.

However, before I can get to writing, I need some input from you guys. So for your part, I need to know what questions you have about Starswirl and the Griffon King ( Whose name I have yet to decide). Is there anything that catches you off guard about theses two? What happened to Star Swirls assistant? Anything that is relevant, I will look at and consider.

Now for when this chapter will be posted. You can expect it anywhere from four to six weeks from now. In other words, about three chapters in the future ( hey, thats still faster posting than a lot of writers, granted, the quality of their fics is greater). It’s timing will be mostly based on how much my editors work these upcoming weeks, though, so cross your hooves and hope for the best!

Lets move onto some others stuff now. Ofcourse, its still relevant to Only in my dreams, but it doesn’t have to do with the villain chapter. This is just stuff that you can expect in the future.

I have almost finished the complete storyline for this fic, and i’ll tell you now, it’s going to be a long one. Ten chapters in and the main character has just been introduced. The past several nights, I have been working relentlessly to complete the entire storyline in hopes to improve chapter quality and pacing.

For now on, I won't wonder upon completely unrelated scenes and will likely compile them sometime later into a deleted scenes side fic like a lot of long fics do.

And one last thing. I wont be posting a chapter today. While it is ready for post, I will post it hopefully with chapter 11. This is so whoever reads them directly from one to another will understand the situation a little better. If you don't, I fear it might be a little difficult to get whats going on in the background.

Well guys, for now, that is everything. Be sure to ask any questions you have about the villains so I can answer them in chapter twelve. ( I will be asking for questions about the villains in the authors note next chapter, so feel free to answer in the comments there if you desire to do so.)

Report Elderly · 177 views · Story: Only in my dreams ·
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