• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2022


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More Blog Posts63

  • 450 weeks

    Okay, I know I said two weeks. Thing is, we're working on selling our house, so that has put a major kink in my time. I swear I haven't forgotten you guys. Soon....

    Aside from that, however....

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    6 comments · 910 views
  • 456 weeks
    I Wonder...

    Do you think that Princess Ember will become a popular character?


    Dang. I've never seen anypony become that popular, that fast. And I have to admit, I'm in the same boat. I loved her and want more stories/art about her still. Even though every pony-related site is inundated with them right now.

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    6 comments · 502 views
  • 485 weeks
    That OTHER Thing I Do...

    Hey there!

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    3 comments · 500 views
  • 487 weeks

    Not only is 600 twice as many as 300, it's what I will reach with ONE more follower.


    Seriously, WTH?

    I mean, I'm humbled. You guys are great and I appreciate that many people who are that interested in what I'm writing. Speaking of which...

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    1 comments · 463 views
  • 500 weeks
    Not THIS again...

    Hello all!

    Yes, this post is nothing but shameless self-promotion.

    I will be attending Libertycon in Chattanooga next weekend--June 26-28th--as a guest. If anyone is going to be there, let me know. I'd love to meet some of you face-to-face.

    That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled ponies.


    1 comments · 343 views

Free Book! (aka, Shameless 2015) · 10:48pm Feb 5th, 2015

Hey all!

Okay, as some of you may know, I put out a book last year. Well, now I've put out its sequel.

To celebrate the arrival of the new book, I'm giving away copies of my first one. On Saturday, February 7th, you can pick up a copy of my first novel right here. I would be thrilled if you do so, actually. (No, I won't get any money from it at all, but I'm okay with that. It's just a one day thing.)

Now, if you already have my first book, or want to go ahead and jump to the conclusion that you'll want a second one to go with the first, you can get my second novel here. That one is not free, but everyone who has read it has told me that they liked it a lot more than the first. (And honestly, I do, too.)

Remember: Saturday, February 7th. Free novel. Go get it! Yay!

So, with that out of the way, back to our regularly scheduled ponies.

(Second chapter of the current Who Rules? should be out early next week, btw.)


Report Nom_deCheval · 205 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

would this be an actual physical book or a download?

2772963 Good question! It is the Kindle edition. The eBook.


I had no idea you had a book! What's it about? I'm sure I'll love it because I love everything else you've written.


The basic premise of the book revolves around the city of Harmonia. It's a small city-state best known for a castle that sits at the center of it that is fabled to have once been the home of the goddesses who created the world of Elan. It is now little more than a tourist attraction--at least until the goddesses show up to reclaim their home. And they don't come back alone. They bring four unusual beings--anthropomorphic human/animal beings--who are in this world for the first time. Their reaction and the reaction to them comprises the core of the story. But they weren't the only things that came back with the goddesses...

I will say that, in my opinion, the book is flawed. It is primarily a set-up for the future novels, and I could have done a better job of getting to the action quicker. I did learn though, and feel that the second book is much stronger than the first. Give it a try, though. I'd love feedback.


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