Help me post a story!! · 10:09pm Jul 2nd, 2012
I have no idea what to do! Been here for almost a few months and recently, wanted to post a story. thing is cluless as to what to do and how to upload a story from Microsoft word and upload is here and submit. tried to do it once but screw up and posted a story on the long description box instead. Am i missing something or what? Please give a step by step method.
Yes first time posting it on here!!! I ve posted stories elsewhere but not here. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
Don't worry, bro.
Step 1: Access your story manager. On the green bar just below the FIMFICTION logo, you should see your name with a down arrow next to it. Move your mouse over this, and select 'stories' from the menu that appears.
Step 2: Click on 'add story.'
Step 3: Fill out the boxes that appear with the title, descriptions, content rating, and categories as appropriate. DO NOT put any of the actual story on this page. Click finish.
Step 4: Go back to the story manager, as described in step 1. You should see the title of your new story there. Click on it.
Step 5: Click on 'new chapter.' Fill out a title for the chapter (or just leave it blank) and click on add chapter.
Step 6: Click on 'Edit'. This will bring up a text interface. DO put your story here. If you are copying and pasting from Microsoft word, your font formatting (Bold, italics, etc.) WILL NOT carry over: use the text interface's buttons to match your copy to the original in your word document.
Step 7: When finished, click on the 'save changes' floppy, and then on the 'publish' icon. NOBODY CAN READ it if you don't click publish.
That's the works.
Oh, and thanks for the favorite, BTW.