• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2018


Just a fic writer, looking at things from a bit of a different perspective sometimes .

More Blog Posts29

  • 347 weeks
    Just an update!

    Currently, reviewing all chapters for mistakes, one at a time. So if you see changes, 'twas me!

    Am getting them ready for self-publishing and could be a while. Getting those spelling errors and try to get the story straight from when I was writing so fast it was a jumble.

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    23 comments · 1,040 views
  • 348 weeks
    Oh! And I forgot!

    Yes, to those wondering, I'm trying to figure out how to format all the stories to self-publish the chronicle of Legacy.

    I was surprised, very humbled and honored beyond all belief when some readers asked if I was planning to do so. Now, there is money coming in, I can plan on this.

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    53 comments · 1,057 views
  • 349 weeks
    Let's try this again....

    Okay, I said I received the messages, yes. I did not say it would turn into something bad. A love scene? I did one in the story, nothing bad at all except a nicely short thing that let you know they loved each other. My definition of 'hot' is very different from a lot of folks.

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    9 comments · 658 views
  • 349 weeks
    Messages Received :)

    Now, I'm an adult, lots of folks here are adults, we all ..blah blah blah blah. And that's over with.

    I have gotten, through private messages, or otherwise, requests for..shall we say..ohhhh..a 'steamy' story or two, or even a scene in the main story of Legacy itself.

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    24 comments · 927 views
  • 350 weeks

    I have been hired onto a new job, and I'm excited! Plus scared. Trust me, traveling round the country laying fiber optic cable doens't sound bad, but it's a big change from what I was doing.

    I have not stopped writing, it's been a hard last few months, but I have a ton of chapters to update with!

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    32 comments · 769 views

Thank you ALL! · 10:58pm Jan 22nd, 2015

Thank you. From the bottom of a very very humble heart to all you guys and gals who have been commenting and talking with me while I wrote Legacy. Thank you, it got featured today and I about fell over. It's all thanks to YOU folks. I don't know where this adventure will go,but it's going to be a fun ride. You folks are just plain freaking awesome!

It was for a short time, but, yay! You folks are still awesome and amazing!

Report NFire · 306 views · Story: Legacy ·
Comments ( 6 )

At first I was like, there's no way this is a Bolo crossover, then you proved me wrong
then I was like, well I bet it'll just be so-so, and so far I've been delighted to be proven wrong
Bolo's and ponies, id never have thought they would go togther, but so far you are making it work pretty good, i like forward to reading more

2740551 Thank you so very much for the kind words. It's hard coming up with something different to keep it something fresh, with all the fine writers here on this site. I hope it continues to keep your interest, I honestly do, thank you! :twilightsmile:

2740569 Hey! Don't thank us; you did all the heavy lifting! :twilightsmile:

Now go and enjoy your fame in the spot light for a while, okay? :pinkiehappy:

2740760 I can do that, yes I can. Thanks Wacky! :yay: But still, thank you :twilightsmile:

Congratulations! :twilightsmile:

You did all of the work, though; we just happened to be within the blast radius. :rainbowdetermined2:

2740844 Well still, a big hearty thanks :twilightsmile:

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