• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 14th, 2015


I'm a random guy that claims to know how to write. I'm constantly being proven wrong.

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Man, I can't think of any new ideas for fics recently. · 6:07am Jan 20th, 2015

Seriously, I have no idea what to write that's new and such.

Sure, I have a few stories in the works (four kinda actually), but those are longer ones that are real grinders. They are those long stories that take half a year or more to tell. That sort of thing.

The problem I am having right now is I can't think of any good stories that are those simple, one shot stories that we all love. A simple 3k words to sit back and enjoy. Legit, I can't think of a single story that can fit in this amount of text. This isn't me fishing for ideas to write on (I have learned that I never seem to write those... inspiration issues and all), just me simply ranting.

Anyway, I just got an email back saying Rainbow War was rejected by EQD, I'm trying to figure out how to work the ending of Sunny Skies and Pinkie Pies (all my minions say the current ending sucks), and Rated Ponystar is hounding me to edit his story. It's not like I am short on doing things right now anyway.

Have a good night all, and stay classy!

Report ugugg93 · 530 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

You know what? I'm in the same boat.

No, seriously. Aside from a one-shot I just posted... I have NO IDEAS for onesies! I have quite a number of long stories in the works (collabs, no less!) and it's just crazy. X___X I just haven't had any inspiration or anything I felt I could do. I've got ideas, but they'd take way longer to tell and write.

Maybe I'll go find a list of prompts and see what I can do...

I have plenty of ideas for one-shots, but they never turn out to be one-shots it seems. Working on one right now that was supposed to be a one-shot. Now its gonna most likely end up around 20k or so. >.< I suck at keeping things short.

Gotta get back to editing your stuff, and everyone else's soon. Behind with all my editing atm it seems. I also agree your Pinkie story needs a better ending, good luck with figuring it out. It's a good story, but I am sad it doesn't go past where the relationship ends up. Most stories end where you are ending that one, and I personally prefer to see more beyond that point *trying to be vague here for everyone who hasn't read it*.

Good luck, I will see you on skype later today, both to talk shit and to actually edit what I need to.

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