• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 14th, 2015


I'm a random guy that claims to know how to write. I'm constantly being proven wrong.

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How come fimfiction has the worst banner pixle ratios I've ever seen? · 7:36am Jan 11th, 2015

Seriously. I mean, I throw in a standard picture you'd find in most pictures and it doesn't fit! It's like a scoped movie in a theatre!

This bullshit and the white line right there.

Report ugugg93 · 530 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Then just crop the picture? :trixieshiftright:

2715257 Tell that to the gif I was trying to throw in there :unsuresweetie:

Because you touch yourself at night. :ajbemused:

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