Is it just me, or are there a ton of humanized pony stories? · 7:00pm Jan 8th, 2015
If it isn't just me, is it because the Rainbow Rocks movie came out (fairly) recently, or what?
I'm a random guy that claims to know how to write. I'm constantly being proven wrong.
If it isn't just me, is it because the Rainbow Rocks movie came out (fairly) recently, or what?
2709182 Welp, that's it boys. GG
Rainbow Rocks was pretty fantastic.
2709259 Never said it wasn't. I was just curious if the massive amount of stories that are coming out recently is because of that? I mean, a few minutes ago, all but a couple stories in the "new stories" area were Humanized (with at least one being anthro). Further, a few days ago about half of the stories in the featured list were humanized.
At least from what I've seen, yeah, most of them seem to have spawned from the Equestria Girls 'verse.