• Member Since 4th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 13th, 2024

Forgotten Tears

Just a simple GrimDark writer, nothing to see here.

More Blog Posts20

  • 238 weeks
    Hello everyone, i'm back after a very long hiatus.

    Hey everypony, I'm back. I have been away for a long time, a lot has happened in the last 4 years. It all started with losing my job in Colorado. After that i lost my apartment and had little choice but to relocate to Arkansas with my retired parents on the new farm land. And after a long battle, my dad passed away from renal cell carcinoma, caused by exposure to agent orange and dangerous water

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    0 comments · 173 views
  • 354 weeks
    Hey guys!

    Hey guys, sorry I was on hiatus. I've been in the VA Hospital for the last few months and just got released. I did manage to write a couple more fics that i will be uploading soonish ^^

    1 comments · 241 views
  • 382 weeks
    Hey everyone, i'm back

    Hey everyone, i'm back. I took a severely long sabbatical to get my head right dealing with some Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from my military service. Recently relocated from Denver, Colorado to the Northern woods of Arkansas and have once again picked up the pen at the behest of my psychologist, she says it might be good for the healing process. So look forward to a couple more stories from

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    0 comments · 240 views
  • 470 weeks
    Hey guys, i'm back.

    Hey guys, i'm back; lately i have been battling a horrid case of depression and had just been released from a local mental health hospice. And at the behest of my Dr, he says its helpful to my state to keep writing. And i intend to do just that.

    0 comments · 311 views
  • 508 weeks
    New fiction is up, the others are on the backburner.

    Hey guys, got a new fic up dubbed Reflection. Check it out, i know i'm not the greatest at describing environments.

    0 comments · 311 views

Why do i keep writing? · 10:10am Dec 28th, 2014

When it seems everyone hates my stories?

Report Forgotten Tears · 270 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

From what I see. You're trying to tackle very delicate and sad topics while your writting style isn't very inviting, and you don't seems to have an editor to assist you.

Before I published my first story, I found someone who was willing to edit what I wrote, and I was lucky enough to write something that everyone found interesting and original. Basically Twilight was shrunk to keep her dangerous uncontrolable power in check until she learns how to control it. A story where she had to adapt to live in giant world in order to survive. Ever since my story was featured, I found more people willing to assist with editing, and they pointed out a lot of mistakes I made while writting.

However after all those years I was writting my story and improved as a writter, I not long ago tried my luck in writting sad story staring Fluttershy.

I found people willing to edit/proof-read it for me and I uploaded it, but I received many downvotes and readers pointed out many flaws in it. I took this story down, Rewritted/expanded it, found another proof-reader who would polish it for me, than uploaded it:

Trials of Blood and Kindness

As you can see, it have 1621 viewers, 262 upvotes and 15 downvotes. It is very poor score when compared to my other stories.

Long story short, writting sad/delicate stories is very dificult and risky, even for experienced writters. Sure, some succeed and they move emotions of many, but most of them don't receive a good score.

In your case, you seems to be very unexperienced and need to work on your writting style, as well as find an editor to assist you. Tackling sad/delicate topic in a story in your case is 100% chance of failure.

My advice, try to write something diferent (original if possible), find an editor who would be willing to assist you and point out flaws in your writting, and once you get better at it, try sad/delicate stories from scratch, maybe it will help.

You write for the people who like your story.
Every single of your works has upvotes. There may be more downvotes, though - but that doesn't matter.

First and foremost write for yourself. Write what ever needs to be minted in words - at least in your eyes. And if it attracts readers, the better.

I didn't read your stories (yet). Not too much time on my hands at the moment. I'll give them a glance.
But from what I've seen in CommanderX5's comment, you may think about his advises.

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