I think everyone enjoys a nice murder; so, tonight, Corpulent Brony Presents a special Halloween story: The Death of Trixie. Please enjoy, and remember to thank our sponsors.
Oh hey, it's a real analysis video! With Season 6 of MLP upon us, I figured it was about time I got back to making these videos. I, for one, am excited for the new Starlight Glimmer Show starring Spike. Yay. Can't wait. fmita
Do your friends talk crazy like this about your favorite purple pulchritudinous poindexter pony princess? Having trouble explaining why Twilight Sparkle is not an actual Mary Sue or OP? Well my friend, have you arrived at the perfect video opportunity for you! Ensconced within the confines of this digital video you will find the answers to these perplexing problems that plague you!
Well, you can never have too much pony.