I didn't like the banner change · 6:50pm Dec 22nd, 2014
I understood where Nightie was coming from, but I didn't really agree on it needing to happen.
But then I opened a story and Paul Darrow smiled at me, the sun framing his shoulders like a morally-ambiguous angel's wings as if he is looking down at my work and saying "yes, Arcainum, I will follow your words to Star One. I never stopped believing in you."
So I'm cool with it.
I don't, please explain, I am scared and upset
His true name is Kniggity.
2670551 knighty's name is homophonous with a word for female nightwear, particularly a nightdress.
there I have explained is the joke dead enough yet
2670624 no i meant the banner change godamnit
2670642 =3
I mean he was right that in terms of screen and bandwidth real-estate it really wasn't doing the site any favours.
With the banner change, how do I fix the color of the bar thingy that used to be under the banner? Right now it's stuck at an ugly green color :(
May Paul Darrow bless this post.
Make a new stylish script, then put the following:
.user_toolbar li{
text-shadow: -1px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)!important;
border-right: 1px solid[DIVIDERCOLORHERE]!important;
border-left: 1px solid #[DIVIDERCOLORHERE]!important;
color: #[TEXTCOLORHERE]!important;}
The color and text-shadow definitions are optional, but I'd recommend them since otherwise you'll get ugly-ass green text on whatever color you decide to pick for your bar. All colors have to be in hex notation; the easiest way to do that is here.