News for all · 6:41pm Dec 22nd, 2014
Okay, first off, I would like to apologize to all of my readers for not making deadlines I had promised, but with college finals, I had to put off all writing. With them now done and me being on winter break, I should be able to get back to writing. So here's how things are looking right now:
Gravity of the Situation: I am currently one-third of the way through the next chapter, but it will take me a while due to how epic I want our greatest fight to be. After that, there are only two chapters left.
Living My Life with Ponies!?: To these fans, I really am sorry for how long it's taken for the next chapter. It is in the works as we speak. Also, I will be having several Holiday chapters coming up, but they will be belated with how the work is coming along. Hopefully they'll be out before New Year's, but don't hold me to that.
Where Do The Nothings Go?: The next chapter is currently going through editing, but it will be out before you know it.
Ten Against One: I'm going to place this one on hiatus and will pick it back up after Gravity has been finished. That's all I have to say on that one now.
As for what's to come up in the new year....well, just expect another blog post on the thirty-first to find out what I have in store for my readers.
Thank you all for your patience, it will be well repaid.