• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


More Blog Posts14

  • 525 weeks
    Some Explainations

    First off, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you peeps out there. 'Tis the season to be jolly, but please be happy all the time, not just during December! :pinkiehappy:

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  • 629 weeks
    F**K YES!!!

    SNAGGED WIFI BITCHES!!! Won't be using it too often, but I got it. YYYEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH

    0 comments · 300 views
  • 629 weeks
    F**K YES!!!

    SNAGGED WIFI BITCHES!!! Won't be using it too often, but I got it. YYYEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH

    0 comments · 261 views
  • 629 weeks

    Folks, I'm off to Malaysia! Hope I can snag some wifi there, else I'll be offline for 4 days straight. Yeah it sucks. I know. Meanwhile, pony on!

    3 comments · 311 views
  • 652 weeks

    Practicing so friggin' hard for a concert coming up in a couple of days time... man it's been a long time since I last played for a concert. But,no time to back off,I can't let my friends and family down. I'm gonna go up there and get that music playin'. Wish me luck~

    2 comments · 389 views

Some Explainations · 3:07am Dec 21st, 2014

First off, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you peeps out there. 'Tis the season to be jolly, but please be happy all the time, not just during December! :pinkiehappy:

Well, I wanted to make this blog post after seeing the authors thanking me for favourit-ing their stories and letting me know of their story updates. I have to say, y'all are really nice people, and I'm happy to come across bronies like you. Yay!

But as you might have noticed, I don't seem to be that social on this site anymore. I don't comment, I don't participate in anything, nothing. And I sorta feel a wee bit guilty about that. Now I'm not about to give the 'I'm really busy' reason cos that's silly; people have been known for managing to pull something together despite the crap they have (and I deeply admire that).

So why am I like this? I'll be frank... I dunno. Like, really. All I ever do when I come to this site, is just read, and I'm off. So... all you guys out there who interacted with me and I never replied... I'm sorry!! :fluttercry: Please forgive me for this guys, as I really have no idea why I don't feel like commenting and stuff on this site anymore. I guess maybe I've moved on in some way?? Oh well.

So I'd just like to say this: I probably won't be commenting or anything on this site (besides reading) and I wonder if I'll even reply to any comments in this blog post. And please don't think I hate you guys, you guys are great! I'm usually very picky about the fics I favourite, so when I favourite yours, it's good and I mean it!

Well I think I've said enough, hopefully those who commented on my profile will see this blog post and have a rough understanding of what's going on (with this arse who can't seem to be bothered about replying!!). Please don't hate me...


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